#AstroSpeak Your Zodiac Has A Lot To Say About What You Do When You *REALLY* Like Someone

I have often seen love in the modern age as a game of cards. It isn’t the kind of game where you are sitting with a bunch of besties round a table downing beer, munching on nachos and breathing air that’s turned into easy comfort! It is the kind of game where the air weighs down heavy, making you sweaty and anxious and nervous- the game where you are so scared of being beaten by another’s winning hand that you fold before you can lose.

Don’t you think?

We are so afraid of being seen as the ‘weaker’ one if we show our *feels* cards that we choose to wrap up! I don’t know where this negative stigma of expressing emotions and being seen as weak came from? Wheresoever this weird and kinda sad and pathetic obsession to play ‘hard to get’ arose, I can tell you that there still are cracks through which someone can see which cards you hold. This peephole is your zodiac and it almost always gives you away. When you are crushing on someone or beginning to fall for the person or are in a relationship already – really feeling something but choosing not to say it, your zodiac will make sure some sign slips through.

Suggested read: Know who to date: Your best match by Zodiac sign

Want to know what that telltale sign is for you? Find out:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)


Image source: Pinterest

What you will do: You will slow down to keep pace with the one you like.

You are a fiercely independent and adventurous soul who charges after what he/she likes with unyielding aggression. As such, it is difficult for you to tag people along in all you do as you are apprehensive of reaching your goal later than you’d anticipated. However, when you really like someone, you will make that provision because you want to share your journey with them!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)


Image source: Pinterest

What you will do: You will let them in.

You can very well seem emotionally unavailable as you choose to be guarded and live in tall, gated communities of your own design. And it wouldn’t be until you can completely entrust the other person with your heart that you shall allow your stubborn self to unlock the doors or slip them a key to enter. For you, opting to be vulnerable and sharing your own self is a big step forward.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)


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What you will do: You shall stand by them through thick and thin.

You are a social butterfly and love to be in places where drinks and mouths overflow. Chatter as well as intelligent conversation is food for your soul so when you do not leave even when the party is over and choose to stay back for the sh*t that follows the treat, you know you are feeling something more than the usual. You’ve definitely given someone a special place in your heart if you actually want to listen about their bad day at work or take care of them while a fever’s got’em!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)


Image source: Pinterest

What you will do: You will let them do something for YOU!

Being an extremely caring person, you are almost always gripped by the need to make everyone around feel good. In fact, your nurturing self may let the selfless love ooze in such unmeasured doses that other people may have a tough time figuring an avenue to do the same for you. However, when you feel the *feels* you feel comfortable enough to stop filling every interaction with what you do and allow it to be about the two of you, equally.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)


Image source: Pinterest

What you will do: You will give them ALL your attention!

Leos love to be the center of attention and being in the spotlight is all the affirmation they need to know they are valued. Often, this is the way you mirror your own feelings in that you shower love by doing how you wish to be loved. So, when you feel a li’l extra than you’d normally allow, you heap your beloved with all the attention dose you have.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)


Image source: Pinterest

What you will do: You will make a sudden provision for a li’l spontaneity!

You NEVER allow anything to go unplanned, disorganized or undone but they say all’s fair in love and war and you are out to prove it. You suddenly become okay with a li’l mess or a li’l spontaneity if it comes tagging along with the one you like. So, if people are suddenly surprised about the chill pill you seem to be popping, it’s nothing save the urge to be with the other person as they are by ditching your own overachiever tendencies (okay, a tad)!

Suggested read: How you deal with single life is determined by your Zodiac sign

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)


Image source: Pinterest

What you will do: You will put up with fights and work through them!

I will explain. Being a person who loves to be in harmony with people and their environment, it is quite surprising when you approach conflict from a vantage point of understanding and a determination to resolve it. While you avoid conflicts whenever you can, you know love’s got a bumpier path and therefore, are ready to fight it out. So, you know you are falling for something deeper if you are taking the trouble!

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)


Image source: Pinterest

What you will do: You become selfless.

Traditionally associated with ruthless practicality that can easily slip into a selfish need to get their sh*t together, you will cast aside your conventional garb for someone you are truly interested in. And if that isn’t true love, then, what is?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)


Image source: Pinterest

What you will do: You will try everything to keep their smile on.

For you, there isn’t any better way of showing the one you like how you feel than by ensuring that they are always wearing the smile that makes you fall for them a li’l deeper and a li’l harder each time!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)


Image source: Pinterest

What you will do: You have more fun than you ever had.

Being guarded and all-together all the friggin’ time, you somehow forget to give yourself ME-time that can help you unwind. But when you have a crush, you make room for the same and have more fun hours than you remember having.

Suggested read: Your Zodiac has a lot to say about the jewelry you should wear

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)


Image source: Pinterest

What you will do: You get them involved in all things you care about.

Kind at heart, you strive to make the world a better place and when you wish to embrace someone for life, you make certain that your partner joins you in your mission to make the world a place full of bright and beaming possibilities.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)


Image source: Pinterest

What you will do: You will eternalize them through art.

Being a reserved person, you are only likely to open your inner scared space of retreat into art’s sanctum to those you deeply care about. From creating a playlist on Spotify to sharing a poem you wrote or playing the piece you composed, you will share the creative outlet and let your beloved know that this is as rare as it comes and hence, must be treasured forever!

Agree? Do you do this when you like someone?

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Article Name
Your Zodiac Has A Lot To Say About What You Do When You Like Someone
Your Zodiac determines what you do when you like someone.
Sejal Parikh

Sejal Parikh

"I'm a hurricane of words but YOU can choose the damage I do to you..."