The weather starts heating up this month and your relationship matters are going to follow suit! According to the monthly love horoscope for April, annoyance and disagreement are possible, courtesy the Lunar Eclipse in the love area. The eclipse will occur on the 4th of April, and though Pluto and Uranus have already completed their final square last month, this eclipse is surely going to awaken the beast in your relationship.
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This critical situation in the first half of the month is going to force most couples to make the tough decisions. This should in no case be taken lightly. Try not to get into volatile arguments but rather look for a solution through calm conversations. This will help the two of you to look at the situation from all possible angles and that is the best way to go about it. The latter half of the month, however, will be peaceful. But don’t mistake that for uneventful!
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Let’s look at the individual horoscopes for each sun sign.
Aries horoscope
I hate saying this but, according to the monthly love horoscope, things are about to get a little messy for the Arians in a relationship. The partnership sector will be affected by the tense Lunar Eclipse. It is a do or die situation, and you must act in view of that. As the cliché goes, there is always a silver lining, right? The bright spot for you is that this tension will help you get rid of something unnecessary that you have been hoarding in your relationship. This could very well be a negative feeling. For the ones who are single, this is a terrific time to assent to your sibling’s/cousin’s proposal to set you up with someone! April 26th is a date to look forward to!
Taurus horoscope
Those involved in an office romance can expect things to get a little dicey, somewhere around the 4th of April. It might be because the affair is not worth the risk or because one of you is rocking the boat at home which makes this tryst questionable. After the 11th, your ruling planet enters the chart area that entails increased income. This will affect your love life. The boost will help you go after the person you love, no matter what. You will realize that there is a lot that you can offer to that special person. This revelation is vital and you must make sure you reap the most of it!
Gemini horoscope
This is certainly not the easiest month for the Gemini in love. A situation that is emotionally charged is likely to pocket wrench your willingness to enjoy the leisure time with your partner. It could be because of the differences between how the two of you perceive the future of your relationship.
Hopefully, your problems won’t be insurmountable. When it comes to the sexual aspect of your relationship, we suggest that you put your cards on the table and tell the other person everything about what you desire. Be brutally honest. If one is unhappy in the bedroom, neglecting the situation will only make matters worse.
The good period starts from the 11th. Your charm is at its peak. Irresistible becomes you!
Cancer horoscope
From the 12th of April, Venus or the love planet will enter the most private sector of your chart, namely, the discreet 12th House of Privacy. This will have some implications on your love life. If you and your lover are already inseparable, you will yearn for some more time together, away from the noise and chaos of everyday life. This could, therefore, be an ideal opportunity to plan a couple’s retreat or schedule an appointment at your local spa for some couple-y pampering!
Leo horoscope
In the first week of April, we suggest you avoid having any kind of crucial conversation with your lover. Do your best to avoid taking any decision together because that can turn on its head and transform into an argument, when the two of you would rather be right than happy.
For the single folks, there is some remarkable news. You will be at your best socially throughout the month. Since you will be out and about, there will be a high chance for you to bump into your potential partner.
This month, experiment. Have as much fun as possible in the process!
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Virgo horoscope
This month, you will be more engrossed with sticky money matters, at hand, than the relationship situation! Your partner, might not be supportive of you in these times of trouble, and might even make it worse by wounding your belief in your skills and talents.
However, for those with a supportive mate, things will start becoming vibrant in the second week itself. Your lover will truly help you nurture your potential for success. If, however, you’re in a relationship where your mate is supportive of your goals and truly wants to nurture your success potential, that will be amazing!
Libra horoscope
This is a month of radical acceptance on your part. You will be able to keep yourself away from unnecessary fear and anxiety that might be cooking up between you and your lover. You are willing to rid yourself of certain traits that might otherwise seem to be joined at the hip. This will certainly serve the highest good, and will unintentionally have a jarring impact on your relationship. Your lover may not be ready to see you in a different light.
In the third week, however, your partner will make use of a perfect opportunity to talk you through your concerns. He might suggest a spiritual counseling session, for instance. Now that’s something you will be thankful for.
Scorpio horoscope
This month, don’t keep your emotions to yourself. You should let your partner be aware of how you feel about things, about yourself, and most importantly, about the two of you. Only then will they be able to respond the way you expect them to. Keeping a stiff upper lip will not do any good to anyone.
For the married ones, some real good financial news is on its way. The two of you might even consider mortgaging a house or a car together, or plan an investment. Expect this month to be a supportive one. Your erotic side is at its best. You just need to stop keeping quiet! J
Sagittarius horoscope
Your partner might not approve of your social life this month. According to us, they are only saying this in your best interest, so better not get defensive about it.
Though there will be a little tension building up between the two of you, it is not a deal-breaker! However, if the significant other does cross the line and you are uncomfortable with that, you may have to make some changes. This decision shouldn’t be taken abruptly though. If the two of you sail through this stormy time, the rest of the month will glide.
Capricorn horoscope
For those who are single and looking for love, the April horoscope has something interesting to say. Venus will enter the 6th House of Work and this will not only affect your love life but also your health. You will be brimming with vigor, and that is very attractive.
You are willing to go outside that comfort zone and place yourself in the dating pool. You will meet new people and many eligible, remarkable singles. You never know who might just be the right one for you! You just need to work on which nooks and crannies to notice, and this month, you are alacritous to do that!
Aquarius horoscope
High octane love potential is on the cards. Venus, the Goddess of love, relations, and social harmony, is entering your love zone this month, and that happens only annually.
For the singles, this is undoubtedly, the most auspicious cycle and will, essentially, result in a new love affair! Just follow the bliss and you will find yourself in the most advantageous position ever. April 26th is the day you need to look forward to. This is the day Venus and Uranus are scheduled to connect in a stirring embrace. A friendly tête-à-tête might lead to something profound!
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Pisces horoscope
For the ones who have already tied the knot, this month might try to wrinkle the romance you share. It is something to do with finances. An investment going south or not working out might upset and frustrate the two of you. If this does happen, you need to make an attempt to stay rock solid and be each other’s strength instead of giving in to the situation. It is this attitude that will make sure that the pinch doesn’t hurt all that much!
The latter half of the month looks happy and joyous despite the changes it is likely to bring.
That’s a wrap on the April monthly love horoscope. See you again next month with what the stars have in store for you and your partner. Until then loved and be loved!
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