In the way your morning coffee had to be a steaming cup of black angst while mine had to be softened down with milk, we always knew we were different. In the way your breakfast met eggs, sunny side up while my own were scrambled like my thoughts, we always knew we were different. In the way you’d drown your day in Chardonnay while I needed Zinfandel to toss and turn at night, we always knew we were different. In the way you and I had meals together but always left with a bitter aftertaste, we always knew we were different.
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
In the way you were drawn to the beats of songs while I was enchanted by the lyrics, we always knew we were different. In the way popular numbers made to your playlist while I kept mine flooded with only the songs that made me feel, we always knew we were different. In the way our drives would be ridden with empty silences or mind numbing noise, we always knew we were different. In the way you’d tune yourself to a rhythm that clashed against the one I was humming in my soul, we always knew we were different.
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
In the way you craved for nippy wintry mornings so you could stay indoors while I rooted for mad rains to kick off my shoes and dance in, we always knew we were different. In the way my wild waves wanted to pull you out to sea while you preferred to stay put ashore, we always knew we were different. In the way you wanted nothing better than sleet to dress everything around while I beckoned spring to run a fashion show in Nature, we always knew we were different. In the way I longed for a love that could brave storms and greet sunny morns alike while you lusted after a season of comfortable companionship, we always knew we were different.
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In the way I wanted to talk after midnight when hushed whispers spill out deep secrets, dear stories and dark truths buried in the soul while you wanted to sleep early and converse during the day, when spoken words pass countless filters as the mind juggles a million tasks, we always knew we were different. In the way we struggled to meet halfway to talk, slowly killing off any words we had to say, we always knew we were different.
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
In the way you had to scurry off to all unknown places to try new food, meet new people and explore new experiences while I preferred to cling to the moment, relishing the tastes, sounds and sights I knew and could always know a li’l more, a li’l better, we always knew we were different. In the way you sought out the biggies in the world- names and faces splattered on Page 3, people who seemed to have perfect lives while I stayed close to imperfect, broken people whose real lives rooted me in reality, we always knew we were different.
In the way you stared at something to the left when I was gazing toward the right, we always knew we were different. In the way the things that drove us individually drove us further apart from each other, we always knew we were different.
There was no halfway. No middle ground.
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
We thought we could turn our existence together into life when we always knew we were different. We thought a similar routine could morph into compatibility when we always knew we were different. We thought our familiar comfort could magically transform into love. But we always knew we were different.
Even in the way we said the final goodbye. In the way you left screaming and yelling and slamming the door while I cried, leaving everything I wanted to say unsaid. Because we always knew we were different.
Featured image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License