Do you find yourself breaking into cold sweat on a first date or feel your heart about to jump out of your chest upon first meeting someone? Pre-date jitters, they call it, darlings. Take heart, for you are not alone.
A little social anxiety about breaking the ice with your prospective date is pretty normal. We all want to make that lasting, positive first impression, and yet we’re nervous as hell. But fear not – here are some fail-safe date de-stressors to your rescue.
1. Calm-a-sutra: Pop a happy pill
It is hard to stay calm when your mind is running amok with a frenzy of thoughts. You are a bag of nerves obsessing over questions such as: Will the date be a success? What’s on their mind? Am I dressed well for the occasion? What should I be talking to get them interested in the conversation? Will they like me?
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Put your mind on snooze, relax on the couch, and pop a “happy pill.” Feed your mind with happy thoughts and meditate on positive experiences around you. Stop over-analyzing past experiences and start taming your mind to be calm and optimistic. The key is to stay in the present – the now – and realize you are about to embark on a whole new dating experience.
2. Create an “Awesome Twosome” moment
Life is about moments; make them magical. If you have plans in mind to do something you are comfortable with, like trekking up a fort, watching a movie, going to an art exhibition or a music concert, ask your date if they would like to come along! This way you would at least be enjoying something you are familiar with while in the company of a nerve-wrackingly gorgeous member of the opposite sex.
3. Pick up new skills
Join interest groups or pursue a hobby to meet new people. Cultivate a passion outside work, learn a different language, or enhance your knowledge of music, wine, photography, fashion, food, or whatever that is you find interesting. At parties, talk to the first group of people you see and introduce yourself.
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By engaging in group activities, you get to meet people from different walks of life, learn about new tastes, and eventually break ice with them. Getting into the groove is very important. Even if it gets uncomfortable, do it. Getting yourself out there, even if it’s just to make new friends, will help you overcome anxieties and catapult your confidence like none other.
4. Sweat the stress out
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Get out of your home and exercise! When you engage in physical activity, your body releases chemicals called endorphins in the brain, which improves mood and relaxation, soothes taut muscles, and calms nerves. Working out also helps make you feel great about your body, which boosts your confidence in front of someone of the opposite sex.
5. Go trippin’
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If you are going through a spell of wanderlust, take a mini-vacation to an exotic location before you go on a date. The idea is to go have an experience of a lifetime. The more you let yourself grow as a person and experience what life has for you, the more you’ll find that you’re able to be confident in yourself around others. You’ll have more to talk about, you’ll have a fresh perspective on life, and you’ll figure out what you want from someone else as well.
6. Find your funny bone
Not everyone can do a Russell Peters or Chris Rock, but there is no harm in tickling your funny bone once in a while. Humor is an instant mood-lifter and helps break forced conversations and awkward silences. Likewise, a great sense of humor is always alluring. It puts you in a good emotional state – helping you become confident, funny, and charismatic.
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Flip on to a side-splitting comedy show or watch a rib-tickling gag. Listening to or watching something funny makes a great pre-date prep move. When you are on a date, make them laugh by recalling a funny episode or incident you can’t stop LOL’ing about.
7. Turn to your support system
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There’s nothing like a little pep talk and/or vent session with your best friend. A good friend who knows you inside out can be a great support system to help you tackle pre-date anxieties. Practice speaking to them every day for a few minutes as if they were your date. Capitalize on your pluses and work on your minuses.
8. Be well groomed
Your personal hygiene can make or break a date. Unruly eyebrows and underarm fuzz, unsightly ear and nose hair, and the all-time failure of body odor – don’t let your date down by these classic put-offs!
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Consider it common courtesy to pay special attention to grooming on that special day. Dress confidently for the occasion with a new outfit – it gives a little extra shot of confidence.
9. Let go of expectations
When we look forward to entering a relationship, we subconsciously heighten our expectations on what they are supposed to be like, and are eventually let down all too often. Learn not to exert too much pressure on a relationship to make it succeed. Relationships are more likely to start when you aren’t looking for one.
Let go of expectations. Consider dating a theatrical piece – there are no retakes, so give it your best shot.
10. Take a dose of positivity
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Last but not the least, inject yourself with a shot of positivity before you go on a date. It works wonders. Close your eyes and visualize a rocking first date together, enjoying a delicious meal with great wine, interesting conversations, and good jokes. Have conviction in your abilities. Hold your head high and exude confidence. Tell yourself, “I’m going to have a great date,” and you sure will!
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