We all can’t help but get our hopes up before going on a date. But how often do dates disappoint? Way more often than the ones that turn out to be magical! Sometimes they are simply not your type, sometimes they are a yawn, or even a living nightmare… Whatever the reason, here are some tips on how to get out of a bad date which you cannot stand any longer.
1. Cut it short!
This trick is easiest when you know a few minutes, or seconds, into the date that you want to leave. The picture sent may have been taken ten years ago, the mails were probably written by a friend, the guy sounds like an eight-year-old doll, or the girl cackles like a witch. Pretend you remembered something and set a short deadline – “I am so sorry. I forgot I have to babysit for a cousin. Will have to leave in 20 minutes!” is just one excuse you could come up with, on the fly!
2. Crisis call
This is an old trick, but always works! Pre-plan with a friend to give you a call 30-40 minutes into the date. If the date is going downhill, use the “friend in need” phone call to get out of it!
3. Make yourself undateable
Give your date the scare of a lifetime. Not easily enacted, this is for all the drama queens/kings out there. Start talking about how much you love your 10 parrots, 14 cats, six rabbits, five labradors, and two lizards at home. Narrate insanely imaginary stories of yourself with your ex. Talk on and on about how desperate you are to enter a commitment or your inconsolable longing for kids. Then simply watch your date look for an excuse to leave!
4. Play yenta
Turn into a matchmaker. There is no other direct way to make your date realize he is simply not your cup of tea. Start talking about your “friend whom you might be interested in…”
5. Better safe than sorry
If you’re not good at lying or cooking up excuses on the spot, employ preventive measures. Meet at a coffee house or during your lunch hour from work. This way you are pre-scheduling very little time to spend together. Now if you end up liking your date, you can always plan another rendezvous, no? Maybe for the evening on the same day!
6. Run out no matter what
If you weren’t smart enough to pre-plan this, excuse yourself to use the washroom and get a friend to call you ten minutes later. Not as smooth of an escape, but it’ll work too. After all, desperate times call for desperate measures!
7. “The more the merrier”
Take a hint from this wise old saying. Invite a friend over, dropping a suggestion like, “You have to try this appetizer!” or, “That guy you were asking about is sitting across the table, you should get here. Now.” Spend the next hour enjoying your friend’s company. Smile!
8. “Lady problems”
Now this is a last resort. You’re not to take femininity lightly, but just say you’re having “lady problems.” No guy will ever ask you to explain!
9. Use the “F” word
“Friend.” It’s the simplest way out. Tell your date you would like to be “friends.” No other way could convey your feelings as succinctly and effectively.
10. Halo around the head
Honesty is always the best policy. Simply spill the beans without sounding condescending or arrogant. Tell your date that you do not really see this working out. Shake hands warmly, maybe give them a “half-hug,” and walk out together. Happily.
These tips can come in quite handy. Because in the world of dating, you’ve got to go through a few – QUITE a few – bad dates before you end up on the one that sends butterflies aflutter in your stomach! Till then, politely communicate that you had a nice time, smile, and walk out, whichever method you choose from the list above. ASAP.
If you know or have used anymore innovative ways to end a bad date, do let us know in the comments!
Featured image source: Shutterstock