If he’s been blowing hot and cold of late and you don’t know what to make of his mixed signals, we can help. We asked the stars to dispel the clouds of confusion and they did. Just look up to the atramental plaque that hold these shining sequins of truth- and find out what his mixed signals mean.
Here are all the reasons he might be sending mixed signals your way, based on HIS zodiac:
Suggested read: Your monthly love horoscope for November
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
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Frankly, he’s not completely convinced if he wants to date you yet. There are many ‘options’ in his life. As horrible as it sounds, it is the blunt truth. He has a few other female friends he is clearly lured by. Obviously, he doesn’t make a wrong ‘choice.’ So, he is leading you all on, while carefully gauging as to which girl is his ‘best’ option before moving ahead.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
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Lucky for you, there isn’t much to worry about whether he is really all that into you or not, because he definitely is. He is just frantic about how much he likes you. He clearly doesn’t want to blow things up with you by showing how much he craves for you, thereby acting like you mean as much as other people to him; whereas in reality, all he wants to do is keep day dreaming about you and wanting to see you again.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
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Your guy is sending you mixed signals because he doesn’t know what to do in life. He has no idea what he wants. He certainly is very uncertain. First day, he is all about how you would make a perfectly ideal girlfriend and the next day you know, he’s blowing things up. He’s trying to figure out his life and it is best to let him. So it’s advisable for you to not approach the subject of a relationship with him-he has other things to fret about.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
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There are some people who don’t like the idea of socializing much. All they want to do is to be left alone and enjoy their peaceful me-time. Whether that’s what you want or not, you’ll have to comply with this basic need of Cancer guys. He’s not ignoring your texts because of the cliché reason of his wanting to prove a point-he just doesn’t have his phone around. He cannot handle socializing without feeling exhausted. Therefore, if you got to date him, then you’ve got to get used to the idea of his disappearing most of the times.
Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)
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Basically, he’s self-obsessed and so, he’s looking for a confidence boost. He just wants your attention and never wants to date you. And he thinks that sending you mixed signals might make you pay heed to him, thereby making him feel better about himself. This is no confidence-this is pride. He wants to prove that there is an abundance of girls out there who are desperate to date him. So he just wants you to boost his ego.
Suggested read: Why you shall fall in love with her, based on her Zodiac
Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
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Uncanny as it may sound, he is sending you mixed signals because he doesn’t know exactly how to tell you that he likes you. Neither is he the romantic type nor is he the one to forthrightly tell you that he has a crush. All he can do is prove his love by caring for you and treating you with compassion and respect- that’s his eccentric and quirky, yet very genuine way of flirting.
Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
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Being shy, he’ll never ask you out first. Of course, he has been flirting with you ever since he started liking you. But he hasn’t asked you out yet. There is nothing to fret about it. He just hopes you make the first move as he is too reticent to do so. Moreover, he doesn’t want to get rejected and make a complete fool of himself. That is why he has been sending you mixed signals.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
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He is sending you mixed signals because he is too flirty. So if you think that he is treating you like you’re special and placed far above others, you’re most probably mistaken because honestly, he behaves like that with everyone. He talks like that with every person. That’s just how he is, and even if you desperately want to, you can’t change him. The worst part being he just doesn’t realize that he’s leading you on, he is just being who he truly is.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)
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He loves to be single and enjoys his life of ‘freedom’ that way. He has no wish to settle down. He has no desire to get into commitments. He is not scared of relationships; he just doesn’t want to get out of his comfort zone, his ‘being single’ phase. He just loves his single life. Maybe, he just wants to sleep with you or finds it fun to flirt with you. Either way, he does not intend to get into anything serious. That is the reason he is sending you mixed signals.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
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He is not sure if he is ready to be in a serious relationship. He wants to be with you, but he is taking steps slowly, because he doesn’t want to get things too quick and end up hurting you, which he wouldn’t ever want to, even in his worst nightmares. That’s why he has been drawing you in and repelling you altogether. Thus, he’s just being cautious. There’s nothing to worry about.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
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If you think love is the main thing on his mind right now, you’re most certainly mistaken. The more important thing that he is concerned about is building up his career or giving his art a right direction than making you his girlfriend. Definitely, he likes you. But you are not the main priority in his life right now, thus receiving mixed signals from him shouldn’t be much of a surprise for you.
Suggested read: Here’s what your soul mate will be like, based on your Zodiac
Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)
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He doesn’t want to lose your friendship. He would never want to ruin what he has in the form of the best friend he might possibly have. To preserve this, he is trying to be imprecise and indeterminate about his feelings for you. Whenever he portrays any sort of engrossment or fascination in you, he withdraws the same to prevent you from feeling the same way. That’s just how he’s trying to shield his heart and safeguard his relationship.
Is he sending mixed signals to you? Can you read them better now? You are welcome!
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