When boudoir photographer Victoria Caroline Haltom was approached by a plus-sized middle-aged woman to touch up her photos and transform her into the the ideal version of who a ‘desirable woman’ looks like in popular culture, she took up the assignment as one amongst the countless others that fell into her kitty on her scintillating journey of sexy shoots. Of course, the urgency in the woman’s voice caught her attention unlike anything in the past but she conformed to the specifications and went about doing what the woman had asked for. ‘I want you to photoshop all of my cellulite, all of my angry red stretch marks, ALL of my fat, and all of my wrinkles . . . just make it go away. I want to feel gorgeous just ONCE,’ she had said, recalls Victoria.
The twist in the tale, though, occurred right after Victoria delivered the perfectly tailored output to the client. Victoria received a rather long-ish email from the client’s husband who wasn’t quite excited about the racy, retouched boudoir photos of his wife. No, it wasn’t a letter to shame Victoria or even one that indulged in blame-games and rebuke, but rather one of gratitude. But I said- he didn’t like the photos, right?
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
That’s right.
The husband wrote to Victoria to let her know that he has been with his wife for eighteen long years and the fact that she feels the need to change herself so he can find her desirable makes him feel how much he has failed in letting her know that she is perfect to him, even in her imperfections. The husband averred that in taking away the wrinkles, the stretch marks and the freckles, she has erased the very tokens that spell out his lifetime with her.
“When you took away her stretch marks, you took away the documentation of my children. When you took away her wrinkles, you took away over two decades of our laughter, and our worries,” he wrote.
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He told Victoria that had she not done what she did for his wife, he’d have gone another decade without making it known just how MUCH he loved and adored his wife, as she is. He promised that he’d now make amends and celebrate his wife, her perfect imperfections, and their perfect love.
Victoria was moved to tears at this raw confession and went ahead and shared the entire episode on Facebook, telling all the ladies out there to revel in their imperfections – coz they are perfect as they are! She asks everyone to love themselves and let their bodies take their natural course, documenting every sorrow, every difficulty, every triumph, every joy that it has lived through. for there will be a loved one who loves to read them over and over, tracing out and kissing his favorite parts as he moves along…
Read the beautiful message here:
More power to such men!
Featured image source: Facebook