Coffee is what gets you out of bed and running. However, we bet this time it will keep you in bed, all day all night long. How, you ask. Well, because these hot men drinking coffee are such a HOT combination that you would sweat in bed and still choose to linger in, all day.
Check out these steaming hot men sipping on a hot, steaming cup of coffee…
1. The glass you can watch all day
Image source: Pinterest
Thoughtful, and dreamy and visible through a glass – it’s perfection!
2. The classic brewed hotness
Image source: Pinterest
I mean, just look at those cheek bones girls – worth dying for!
3. When happy coffee kicks in…
Image source: Pinterest
OMG – when he’s got his happy on like that!
4. Ahem, Just take that sip or I will…
Image source: Pinterest
Little that this leaves to imagination #OnFire
5. Ooh…speechless
Image source: Pinterest
No words – it’s just the modern prince charming we WANT!
6. That unbuttoned peek
Image source: Pinterest
Does he even know how effortlessly he’s making it impossible for you to breathe?
7. When coffee gets you high on hot nerdy
Image source: Pinterest
Sexy and he knows ‘it’ – it’s a double treat!
8. The magic of browns (Yum!)
Image source: Pinterest
The perfect recipe for melting the very floor you’re standing on right now!
9. If this a start to the morning…. (Can’t wait for the night!)
Image source: Pinterest
This fitness is strictly unhealthy and highly dangerous for your hearts!
10. The criminal window
Image source: Pinterest
I’m speechless – and you?
Suggested read: 3 surprising reasons to make coffee a part of your daily skin care routine
11. Drink up – Gentlemen!
Image source: Pinterest
Ah – the maddening lure of the English genteel…
12. WOW! (Isn’t that a view to jump right down for!)
Image source: Pinterest
Who’s he watching when all eyes are on him?
13. Oh, the towel (Drop it, or drop it!)
Image source: Pinterest
Nothing’s more cruel and sweet than this tease!
14. The manly frizz – yeah coffee!
Image source: Pinterest
A magic we can all wish for…
15. Bottoms up for the ink
Image source: Pinterest
Aww… that body! And ouch – that ink!
16. HOT
Image source: Pinterest
That’s no place to place your mug (if you want the warmth, umm…!)
17. #Smitten #Speechless #Spellbound
Image source: Pinterest
When the playfulness surfaces in its true and crazy form…
18. That’s a man to share all your coffees with
Image source: Pinterest
This much hotness in a turtleneck???? #DamgeIsDone
19. Romantic! Something about those perfectly ruffle hair just sets in – don’t you think?
Image source: Pinterest
I’ll trade anything for being the eyes he’s staring into…
20. It’s hot (smoking hot!)
Image source: Pinterest
Say what? He’s awesome? Oh, that! Yes he so totally is!
21. Now that’s how you start a morning (Girls!)
Image source: Pinterest
Ahem, ahem, let’s just let the hotness sink in, shall we?
Now, switch the coffee maker on and let the beans brew their magic, maybe it’ll help you keep up for more of the treat online!
Have a happy coffee, you!
Featured image source: Pinterest