No one can deny the power of the universe. They say everything happens for a reason and if we look closely, we can decode the meaning behind even the smallest event. Our zodiac signs are one of the best ways to decipher what the universe has planned for us. If you are single and have had a hard time finding your man, then it is high-time you take the assistance of your zodiac sign to have a fruitful dating experience while looking for the perfect boyfriend.
Read what kind of boyfriend you should have according to the stars and seek some assistance for your friends as well!
Aries (March 21 – April 19): Comforting boyfriend
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Too often, you find it hard to concentrate on a single thing. You have a short span of attention and your thoughts keep flickering on the go. You want a kind of guy who could provide a sense of utmost comfort to you. You need an anchor, a home to come back, after getting lost every time.
Suggested read: How you say I love you to your partner based on Zodiac sign
Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Patient boyfriend
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You get a little over-dominant every once in awhile. You deserve a kind of boyfriend who would help you make peace with your anger. A patient guy would be the perfect boyfriend for you.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Honest boyfriend
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A Gemini woman might find it hard to take decisions. You are basically two people living in one body and you need an honest guy to be by your side, who can help you differentiate between black and white.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Pragmatic boyfriend
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You feel every kind of emotion way too strongly and a practical guy will make sure that you sail through a bad phase without doing any collateral damage. He would understand your sensitive nature and will make you get some inspiration from even the worst of things.
Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22): Understanding boyfriend
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You are certainly nothing less than a star! You should have someone by your side, who won’t get jealous from your spotlight and will support you no matter what.
Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22): Fun boyfriend
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Let’s face it! You are too uptight at times. You want a guy who can take all that stress away with his fun and caring attitude.
Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22): Outgoing boyfriend
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You are a social butterfly and if a guy can’t keep up with the ongoing trends, then he can’t stay with you in the long run. You can’t connect with him if he is not outgoing and an extrovert.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21): Adventurous boyfriend
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You are extremely passionate about life and you would love to have an adventurous guy with whom you can travel the entire world.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21): Flexible boyfriend
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You like to travel and adjust without any trouble because a few things in life and not that relevant to you. You are fine with adjusting a little if you are getting what you want and your perfect boyfriend should be a little flexible too.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19): Audacious boyfriend
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You are really pragmatic and you have your whole life planned out by now. It might seem pretty but can get monotonous at times. A daring guy is all you need to make your life an ongoing adventure.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18): Mature boyfriend
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Aquarian women are really smart, but too often, they invest a lot of emotions in everything. A mature guy would be the perfect boyfriend for you as he will be your guide and your friend, and would never let you cross the line.
Suggested read: Here’s what your soul mate will be like, based on your Zodiac
Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20): Artistic boyfriend
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Some people are not the artists – they are the art instead. You have the same soul. You are not a brush or a Pantone shade. You are the canvas itself and only an artistic boyfriend can reciprocate the sound of your heart. Be with an artist and make your life a living art.
Who says that zodiac signs can’t let us find our soul mate? Now, when you know how your ideal boyfriend should be like, look for these trails in the next guy you date.
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