So it is time to rock the bikini on the beach, but you don’t feel confident enough to slip into your itty-bitties yet. Even though everyone looks super hot in a bikini, it is important that you feel comfortable with your body before you can sport one.
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Most people feel insecure about one particular body part, and they concentrate on that when they are working out. However, the key to losing more calories and increasing core strength is by engaging in a full body workout, which affects all the muscles and helps you on your fat-loss journey. Here is how you can achieve the ideal bikini body with a full body workout, in the matter of months.
1. The lunge jumps
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This is the resting position you are supposed to be in when you are about to start your exercise. From the half bent position, you jump up in the air with your entire body outstretched and land back on the opposite foot bent forward and the back foot almost at a 90 degree angle from the ground. This exercise focuses on you core strength, thighs, abs.
2. The side plank
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This one is a real pain in the backside, but it’s the good kind of pain because it burns a hell lot of calories in your abs, arms and thighs. You have to place your body at an angle from the ground, supported by one hand and one leg only, with your entire body facing away from the floor at a right angle. You just have to hold that position for 30 seconds or so.
3. Sit squats
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You cannot deny that in order to have a great bikini body, you need a great butt and some great abs, which is why you need a great full body workout routine. Along with the ones I have already mentioned, sit squats are the next exercise that you should get used to. Put your hand in front of your either folded or outstretched and then pretend to sit till your butt is almost parallel to the ground.
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4. The half reclining scissor
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In order to burn some serious calories, you need exercises which work on almost all parts of your body. Lie down on the ground with your feet slightly up in the air and your hands outstretched, the exercise consists of folding your body inside and attempting to bring your hands and feet together to whatever degree is possible. This burns calories in places like your stomach, glutes, arms, and even your back.
5. The deadlift fly
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This is another full body exercise that is going to give you visibly satisfying results. You stand straight with weights in your arms to balance out your body weight. You then have to lift one leg backward till it is parallel to the ground, along with your torso, with weights in your hand, and then do this with alternating feet. This builds strength and burns calorie in your abs, thighs, and biceps and gives you those tones legs.
6. The bent leg kickbacks
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A lot of people also refer to this as the donkey kick, but despite its silly name, it burns crazy fat in your glutes, helps your tone those arms and tighten up all the places where you are likely to develop flabby skin or muscle like the thighs. You have to sit on all fours on the floor, and with as much force as you can muster, throw one leg backwards and keep repeating the process with either leg.
These are some of the easiest, yet most effective full-body exercises which are going to give you that killer bikini body which is going to make you want to wear a bikini, even if you haven’t thought of wearing one this season.
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