It takes but a single moment to ruin your life, even as you may have spent decades building it. When you ruin your life, especially through your own doing, you strip it bare and leave yourself rotting in the debris of what shall always remind you of your own hand in the destruction.
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If you wish to save yourself from the damage, heed caution as the stars prompt you to be wary of the one habit that may ruin your life:
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
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You need to boost your adventurous spirit by living a thrilling life. By settling for mediocrity, you’d probably be ruining your life. Search for a life that holds new challenges for you every day. Your positive outlook on life must be maintained at the same level of energy as a child’s on getting ice-cream. You don’t want to feel dull, tedious and empty inside when you’re actually full of zeal and zest. Don’t let you optimistic nature go waste.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
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You can ruin your life by allowing stress and anxiety pave up their way to your mind affecting your mental as well as physical health. It’s high time you let go of all the things you cannot control and just focus on the things that you can. Work on training your mind to be immune to stress and panic. Only then can you live a happy and healthy life.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
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People’s opinion matters a lot to you, and you beat yourself up with the thought of what others might think about you. Don’t let others influence you so much- just focus on yourself and keep yourself high on your priority list. Keep living the life you’ve always loved and don’t let the fear of what others think about you overpower your happiness. Be jolly and comfortable-just what defines you.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
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You have a certain pace of doing things in life, whether it is fast or very slow. The thing is you get yourself committed to it so much that it takes away all strength and drains you out completely. This over-commitment exhausts you, but you can’t help yourself out of it. You keep succumbing to it and it ultimately ruins your life. It’s high time you start doing things at your pace – the way you are comfortable with it. Don’t do things because you feel obligated to.
Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)
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A simple advice for you would be not to look down upon yourself- don’t over-think. You need to feel precious to your loved ones in life and you don’t want to kill that just by thinking that you’re not good enough. If someone doesn’t value as much as you value them, it’s not because there’s some fault in you. It’s just because sometimes, people don’t fit into your life. It’s hard to let go, but just focus on people who make you feel positive about yourself and the ones who you are confident love and value you.
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Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
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Don’t keep all the stress pent up inside you. Let it out and live freely. All the anxieties within you can be toxic-find healthy ways to let them out; so don’t go complaining to every other person you meet. Try to do something that you love or something that can help you relax like taking a yoga class or a hot water bath, eating dark chocolate or dancing to your favorite tunes. Make sure nothing weighs you down further with your burden of stress.
Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
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The people in your life love you and accept you for the way you are- the real you. Don’t ever go looking for acceptance from people you don’t actually care about and neither do they care about you. If you’re at peace with your loved ones accepting you, then you don’t need anything else or further acceptance from others-be content with that and you’ll find happiness.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
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Being around judgmental people will only bring you down and turn your life into a miserable one when, clearly, you deserve to be happy. So surround yourself with people who understand your actions and don’t judge you for them. Be around people who would accept for frankness and open mindedness. You should spend more time with people who will consider your ideas and allow you to share things freely with them.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)
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You should not try to be someone you are not because that will make you really miserable. You love freedom and so you must know that people will accept you for who you are and not for what you’ll pretend to be before them. Do not change yourself based on other people’s expectations because love you the way you are and you need to stay true to that.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
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You want big things in life and for that you need to take risks. Give all of yourself to your life and make it the best. Don’t ruin your life by not working hard. Work hard and go for it. Do kind things for others and make the world a happy place. You’ll realize that your efforts were worth it. You put in all your dedication and sincerity and you won’t be disappointed.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
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Remember that you’re not answerable to anyone for your life decisions. You’ll be ruining your life by answering to someone. Feel free to do whatever you want. Having to answer to someone regarding your life decisions and actions is the worst that you can do for yourself. Remember that you’re free to do whatever you please. Restricting yourself is slowly going to kill your happiness. Let go of all that’s holding you back and live your life to the fullest.
Suggested read: What is your sexiest quality according to zodiac?
Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)
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The way in which you can ruin your life is by not appreciating the love you have in life. If you’re single, you’ll feel the need to feel incomplete just because you don’t have the other half in your life yet, but don’t overlook the fact that you have love in your life, because people around you love you a lot. If you’re in a relationship, then praise all the little efforts made by your significant other. Remember to appreciate the love you have in life, and there’s love in everything in life- don’t overlook it and you’ll live the best life.
Precaution is better than cure- always!
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