So, what makes you swipe right on a dating app? Is it the profile picture? Their qualification? The way they’ve presented themselves in a minimum number of words? Their name? Or that undefinable ‘something’ that you can’t put a name to? I think it’s a combination of all these things and more.
There are those ‘experts’ who claim that many other factors come into play when a person right-swipes another person on a dating app, like gender ratios, a good profile picture (a selfie for a woman and a candid picture for a man), and even race (sometimes). Agreed because no two people think similarly, and each individual has their own priorities, wants, likes and dislikes when it comes to picking a potential partner.
Image source: The Grade
However, one of the many ubiquitous dating apps, The Grade, which prides itself in weeding out the riff-raff, those who don’t adhere to their strict grading system, has released a research they’ve done. And this research suggests that your name just might make or break your chances on a dating app (at least on The Grade).
The Grade, which bans users who ‘fail’ to meet the quality standards set by the app by receiving ‘failing grades,’ studied data from about 100,000 of its heterosexual users. And the end result of this exercise is a list of 200 names for men and women, whom the app considers ‘the hottest,’ at least on its platform. The hotness of these users’ names was based on the percentage of right swipes each of these names had earned.
Suggested read: The Grade dating app promises to democratically weed out creeps
Check out the top 10 names of women and men who got right-swiped more on The Grade:
Top 10 women’s names:
1. Brianna
2. Erika
3. Lexi
4. Brooke
5. Vanessa
6. April
7. Natalie
8. Jenna
9. Molly
10. Katie
Top 10 men’s names:
1. Brett
2. Tyler
3. Corey
4. Andy
5. Noah
6. Shane
7. Jeffrey
8. Rob
9. Frank
10. Jeff
This is the statement given out by The Grade on its blog about this exercise:
“We’ve ranked the hottest names on The Grade based on incoming like-rate (right swipes). And, because we are always about radical transparency, we’ve provided you with the name most likely to match with your name above all others. So, Brett and Jessica, Brianna and Sean, we expect invites to the wedding.”
The dating app also found that men named Brett get right-swiped by women 20% of the time, and women named Brianna get the stamp of approval by men, a staggering 70% of the time. Sadly, people named Tiffany and Sean are relegated to the bottom of their respective lists. Sorry Tiffany and Sean.
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Another interesting thing that The Grade noticed was that when women use their nicknames like Jen instead of Jennifer have a good chance of being right-swiped more often than women who use their full names. On the other hand, the opposite is true for men – when they use their full names, they have a greater chance of getting right-swiped, like Jonathan instead of Jon.
Are you in a panic mode because of this study? Nah, it’s not definitive because it’s just data from one dating app, and your name playing that major a role in your success or failure of online dating is a little hard to swallow. Plus, another thing you need to consider is that all these Briannas and Bretts may have super awesome profiles, and probably, their names won’t even come into play by their prospective dates.
You can take a look at the full list of 200 names here.
Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License