In a day and age where there are a hundred adversities that your hair has to deal with every day and yet remain healthy, it becomes important to take care of it now and then. The simplest and easiest way to do this is by getting a hair spa, but we know how much that can cost.
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Hair spas in proper places which give you the right treatment for your hair can cost A LOT, which is why most people don’t get their hair treated as often as they should. The best alternative solution to that is to get a hair spa treatment at home, and lucky for you, today I am going to outline the steps and methods and recipes you need to get a salon-style hair spa, right at home!
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What is a hair spa?
A hair spa is like food for your hair. Just like you take special vitamins and supplements and medication to give your body that extra boost to function as it should, a hair spa also gives your hair the necessary treatment to remain healthy. Hair spa is also effective in reversing damage caused to your hair, which unfortunately is a very common problem amongst people.
During a hair spa, your hair is massaged with a number of creams, conditioners and formulas which have a deep-rooted effect on your hair, and the whole process stimulates the growth of healthier hair and the repairing of existing tresses.
Why does one need a hair spa?
Like I said before, hair undergoes a lot of stress during the day, because of mishandling, dyeing, straightening, curling, other heat treatments, pollution, exposure to radiation, etc. All this can affect the hair adversely and leave you with limp, unhealthy and weak hair. Every once in a while, you have to ensure that your hair gets the nourishment that it needs to grow and thrive as it should, otherwise problems like hair fall, dandruff, split ends, browning, etc. can occur.
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The whole point of the exercise is to restore life to your lifeless hair, and make it look and feel healthy. It also protects the hair till you manage to make time to take care of it again.
A lot of people feel that a hair spa is a complicated process using magical ingredients that only salon people have access to. However, that isn’t the case at all. It is a process of absorption by your scalp, which you can do yourself right at home when you have the right tutorial to guide you.
Without further ado, let us look at the steps that you need to follow when trying to give yourself a hydrating, healthy, nourishing hair spa treatment at home!
The first step is to massage your scalp. This step is essential as it gets the blood flowing in your scalp. Increased circulation means greater amount of oxygen reaching the roots of your hair, which allows greater breathability and immediately starts to release the pressure in your roots.
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If you have normal hair, which isn’t too dry or too oily or too brittle, then you can use warm coconut oil which is great for all hair types. This is the standard oil that is used when massaging your scalp. However, if you have difficult hair which has a specific type, then you can use a more specialized mixture of oil for a more fancy and deep-conditioning hair spa. For this you will need:
- 1 teaspoon almond oil
- 1 teaspoon sesame oil
- 3 tablespoons coconut oil
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 5-6 drops of Vitamin E oil
Mix all of the above ingredients together in a small bowl and microwave it for 10 seconds till it is warm to the touch. The massaging process is essential for a good hair spa, so spend at least 10-15 minutes massaging the oils into your hair with your finger tips, right from the roots to the ends.
The next step after you have massaged your hair is to lock the moisture and the oils in. This process is called steaming, because it makes use of steam to lock all the goodness of oil in your scalp. The heat of the steam opens up the pores in your scalp for the oils and moisture to get in. This is also an immensely relaxing process.
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Salons usually make use of steaming machines, which you can also buy if you are really serious about your home hair spa treatment. However, there is an easier way in which you can steam, your hair, and no, it doesn’t involve turning your bathroom into a sauna.
Boil water in a large container and let it sit till it is comfortable to the touch (but not too cool). Dip a towel in it, rinse out most of the water, and wrap it around your head lightly. Leave it on for at least 15-20 minutes.
After your hair has soaked in oil and steam for a while, it is time to wash out the oil. This is a simple shampooing process, where you cleanse your hair. The oil and the steam work together to loosen the dirt and grime from your scalp, which makes it easier to wash it out.
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When you are washing, you have to be careful because along with the dirt, your hair roots are also a little loose because of the open pores. Make sure that you use a mild, cleansing shampoo and not a heavy-duty, harsh one when you are washing your hair during your hair spa.
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Once you have washed your hair, you can use a mild conditioner to make sure that your hair is manageable, tangle-free and silky. Deep conditioning is an extra level of massage that your head received, and the more you massage your hair, the healthier your tresses are going to be.
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There are a number of cosmetic conditioners that are available for you to use. Most of the times, when you go to a salon for your hair spa treatment, they use these cosmetic conditioners. However, when you are doing your spa at home, it does you well to make use of some natural conditioners which are completely chemical free and as effective as the ones that you can buy off a shelf at a drug-store. Here are a few examples of natural conditioners that you can use for this step:
- Grated beetroot paste
- Dried and ground hibiscus flowers (in powder form)
- Tea
- Lemon water
- Beer
- Honey
This is perhaps the most important step that you need to follow when you are giving yourself a hair spa at home. While oil, shampoo and conditioner moisture and nourish your hair, you need something to lock the moisture in, so that you don’t have to go through the entire process every day. Hair masks are also a great way to ensure that your hair has an extra layer of protection, and when you use natural hair masks made of natural ingredients, then you also have the added advantage of their natural goodness.
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There are a hundred hair masks that you can use when you are giving yourself a hair spa at home. However, depending on the type of hair that you have, here are some specialized hair masks which you can use.
1. For weak hair:
- Olive oil
- Tea
- Beetroot paste
Apply it to your scalp and leave it on for at least half an hour.
2. For oily hair:
- Beer
- Curd
- White vinegar
Mix 2 tablespoons of beer with a cup of curd and add a teaspoon of vinegar to create a healing hair mask for oily hair, that leaves you with light, bouncy tresses.
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3. For dry hair:
- Olive oil
- Banana
- Raw egg
Blend all the ingredients together to create one of the most hydrating hair masks ever, which will give you light, but smooth and healthy hair.
4. For split-ends
- Egg whites
- Coconut oil
- Cucumber
Mix all of the above ingredients and heat it. Apply this warm mixture to your hair and leave it on for 40 minutes.
5. For faster hair growth:
- Lemon juice
- Coconut oil
- Aloe vera gel
Use aloe vera gel as the base for this ultra-nourishing hair mask. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off.
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The last and final step to a perfectly nourishing hair spa treatment at home, wash your hair with a mild shampoo, after you have let your hair mask sit for enough time. You will emerge with shining, beautiful and healthy hair.
However, you have to remember that a hair spa is not a one-time deal. If you want your hair to remain healthy consistently and grow at a natural rate without thinning out or developing other problems, then you have to give yourself a hair spa at least once a month.
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