To all the lovely ladies out there, this one’s to the coveted gang you’ve built over the years. Because you get by through the sh*tstorm life is because of a few idiots you are happy to call friends. They are all different and quirky and sometimes, even annoying but they are all compulsory!
Here’s to the friends every girl needs in life, and if she’s lucky- already has:
1. The BFF who’s air
Image source: favim
She’s the one (probably the only one) whom you can be completely yourself without any fear of judgment. She knows you from inside out and the comfort you feel around her is simply unbeatable. #FriendsForever
2. The mother in the making
Because, very often you simply can’t function without a control freak caretaker – so, suck it up! Right from making you complete your assignments in time to shaking your sleep with a million wake-up calls in the morning – she does it all for you and with a big, proud, mom-like smile! #CountlessUnsaidThanks
Suggested read: 17 awesome things about having a best friend of the opposite sex
3. The lady with her crazy on
Image source: wifflegif
Because without this awesome person, your life would be colorless!
She will make you dance in the rain, jump off the bus to catch that butterfly, gift you the ‘Juicy’ pants, and there’s simply no words to describe the LIFE she brings to your life!
4. The laughter magician
Image source: laceup
So that the lemon stock of life never runs low! No matter how sulky, stressed, or lost you are – this gal has the master key to unlock your smiles and before you know it, you are laughing your a*s off. #PeeMyPantsLaughterGal
5. The patient listener (REAL patient!)
Image source: Tumblr
Because, you NEVER run out of topics to talk about! From the boyfriend troubles to the ‘who are we, actually’ talks, there’s nothing she can’t listen to with complete sincerity and all her heart. #LoveYou
6. A damsel in distress
Now she’s the one who looks up to you for advice and emergency rescues (and don’t you just love that! Because how else can you prove to her that we don’t need ‘knights’- we are our own heroes!
7. A fashion freak
Image source: Giphy
If it weren’t for her, you’d probably be walking about in your PJs or won the ‘rag queen’ contest!
8. The know it all (+the dating expert)
Because an expert’s advice is an expert’s advice!
Her words of wisdom are your go-to solutions. When you pay heed, you are glad and when you don’t, you know the ‘I told you so’ flood is coming!
9. The Miss Honest opinion! (The critic and the optimist in one!)
Image source: sheflieswithfaeries
Because, well, somebody’s got to straighten things up for you, don’t you think?
‘It’s not your best, could have been better’, ‘Yes, you look fat!’, and ‘it’s really shit*y of you to dump him’ are things you’ll only hear from her.
10. Your sister from another mother
Image source: teen
She’s your soulmate, your better half, and together you make the team that even the Williams are jealous of! You own the same outfits, your secrets are one, and nobody matches your effortless timing of Hi-fives and Aw-s!
Suggested read: Things all women with flaky friends know to be true
11. The tough dude
Image source: Tumblr
Because someone has to take the front line and watch your back! She’s the daring one you can always count on for fixing everything for you with her bold ‘I’m here for your comfort!
12. The unconditional lover
Image source: Tumblr
Because sometimes, you just don’t have a reason to love someone. All you know is that you do, with all your heart. I don’t know how to put how special she is in words. But I guess, you just know what I’m talking about.
How many of these blessings do you have? If you have all of these rolled in one, you are a lucky, lucky gal!
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