Cliick Dating App Connects Users Based On Shared Current Events
Cliick is a new dating app that hopes to connect users based on the trending news that users read on their newsfeed. Interesting, eh?
Cliick is a new dating app that hopes to connect users based on the trending news that users read on their newsfeed. Interesting, eh?
Ohlala is a newly launched app, which hopes to revolutionize the sex industry. It was launched in Berlin, Germany, a couple of weeks ago. Take a look.
Tinder revealed a list of most swiped-right men and women, according to which, Georgetown and Florida State top the list for men and women respectively.
Sometimes, the most ugly jokes from the universe can come in the form of Tinder experiences. Don’t believe me? Take a look at what these women have to say.
Hailed as ‘Illuminati Tinder,’ Raya dating app is ‘an exclusive dating and networking platform for people in creative industries.’
Matchmallows is a new dating app, dubbed the Middle-Eastern Tinder, that caters to the non-Western regions. Check it out.
Tinder dating app and its kin are all swiping Romance left from our lives. Don’t believe me? Find out from Tinder dating app users.
CrewMe is a new dating app which aims to help pilots and cabin crew find love in the skies. Check it out.
Shryne app is the latest entrant into the app world, but it helps you create a digital scrapbook of your memories associated with your ex. Take a look.
80% adults have at one point or another been a victim of infidelity in their lifetime. So, take a look at Fidelity Dating, a site for infidelity survivors!