WooPlus, Tinder For Plus Size Singles, Minus The Fat Shamers
WooPlus is the newest dating app on the block, which is basically Tinder for plus size singles without the fat shamers.
WooPlus is the newest dating app on the block, which is basically Tinder for plus size singles without the fat shamers.
Blinq dating app is just what we needed – an app version of the shallow site, hot or not. God save us all!
Online dating is a tough nut to crack for some. Here are 20 things according to Lisa Hoehn, that you should NEVER put in your online dating profile. EVER!
Dating on Tinder or dating in real life? How has dating changed with the advent of Tinder?
Monica Lynn, 25, has been traveling the world for FREE. Here’s how she does it…
Dating apps are a dime a dozen. But these 10 dating apps of 2015 took the dating world by storm. Take a look…
True Love Tinder Robot, the latest tech-contraption to aid us in our quest for love, ‘guarantees’ success- but should we believe it?
Catfishing is a real problem on most dating apps. Blume dating app hopes to counter this online menace.
Coz some mistakes on the first few dates directly lead you OUT – of the dating game!!