[Year end special] Top 10 International celebrity hookups of 2014
As we bid adieu to 2014, here’s a look at the top 10 international celebrity hookups of 2014.
As we bid adieu to 2014, here’s a look at the top 10 international celebrity hookups of 2014.
Once you’re married, you miss being single. Here’s a list of all the things that make you wistful for the dating days once you’re married – even happily.
Christmas is an occasion that can bring a couple closer together. Here are 6 simple Christmas traditions you can follow to bring you closer as a couple.
First dates can be nerve-racking and can cause jitters in the many a men and women. Here are 10 golden rules to reduce your pre-date jitters.
Mobile dating apps have become ubiquitous. And as the year draws to a close, here’s a look at the top 5 female-centric dating apps of 2014.
We have all been there – going through a meltdown after a hard breakup and doing some insane stuff that we can then look back and laugh at.
First dates are full of potential and nervous energy. But when you know that it is not going the way you’d hoped, use one of these ways to end a bad date.
Being social and outgoing isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and it doubly hard for a shy person. Here are 6 easy tips for a shy person to prepare for a date.
A modern single woman needs to be extra cautious when it comes to dating virtual strangers. Here are 5 dating blunders that a single woman must avoid.
Breakups are an inevitable consequence of an incompatible relationship. But the urge to be friends with your ex is something you should nip in the bud.