22nd November – 21st December
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What does the Sagittarius love life 2015 look like
If the most precious trophies you have are the pictures of your travels to unseen worlds and the adventures thereof, you are definitely a Sagittarius. Belonging to the element Fire, you are the funniest person in your group, and people enjoy being around you. As for your travels, your journey is more about finding yourself than an actual destination. You cannot be called absolutely religious, but you are spiritual. You are wise and curious, and go to lengths to find the truth. Your symbol being the Archer, you are focused, determined, and often excel at your profession as well as your hobby. You love your freedom dearly, and do not like to depend on others. You want to be able to get up and leave for an adventure – just like that. You will walk an extra mile to perfect a skill, and it holds true even for your relationships, as long as your partner gives you more than the required breathing space.
Sagittarius in Love
Love to be with you, but can also do without you!
Ruled by the planet Jupiter, it’s a well-known fact that you crave for a rush in your life, and that is why the prospect of a new relationship interests you. You have a very interesting personality, and so you seldom lie, also because you value honesty. You are always curious about your partner’s thoughts and actions, and have an active involvement in their life, which of course they adore about you. If you like someone, you will do everything in your power to win their heart. But once the adventure of pursuit of love is over, the rest of the relationship has to fascinate you tremendously for you to be with just that one person.
You like being in love, and are ready to commit too. But you are more worried that a relationship may tie you down. So you tend to put your partner through a lot of tests to make sure that you are adjusting your attitude for the right person. Simultaneously, you also give your all to keep the spark alive! You make your partner laugh with your sense of humor. You always have certain emotional insecurities and you tend to hide them with your talkativeness. You also sometimes pretend to be aloof, in an attempt to insulate yourself by ongoing things. Although, once your partner has reassured that your best interests are always in their mind, you ease up and have a happy life with them.
Expectation in Love
If you go paragliding with me, we can go to your parents for the holidays!
You are wild at heart, and do not know to settle. Once you have excelled at any activity, you immediately search for something else to do. It is really hard to keep up with you. Your partner should either be able to match up with your energy, or give you the space to carry on by yourself. You are not indecisive, but impulsive, and you are at your best on an impromptu dinner date than a planned one. Your partner should be able to take it in stride and enjoy it. Your partner should be independent and have a separate life from the one you both share, so that when you’re busy chasing your dreams, they are not sitting at home, waiting for you, and contemplating your relationship.
If you find someone who is just as adventurous as you, then you both will be practically inseparable. They should understand that a free spirit like you loves and cares about others, just until it doesn’t suffocate you. Your partner should also be very mysterious, and be able to keep your curiosity rising. They should be able to use the words ‘responsibility’ and ‘commitment’ in a way that doesn’t scare you away. Anything monotonous can be boring for you; you need a partner who is creative, has their own thoughts and can intrigue you with them. They should also accept the fact that you both will have a happy life together as long as the game is on.
You are outgoing, generally happy, and a spiritual person. So it should come easily to you that as far as our society is concerned, people tend to depend on each other; which means that you and your partner will also share some level of dependency. A relationship is always a give and take phenomenon – if you wish your partner to let you follow your own path, you too have to adjust and give them their due love, respect, and time.
As the New Year is almost here, you probably have plans to spend your holiday far from the madding crowd. But if you feel that there is someone who wants you to be with them under the mistletoe, make sure that you are there. After all, love is nothing but an adventure!
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