Break ups happen all the time for a number of obvious reasons, say, betrayal, selfishness, mismatched priorities… But there are times, when things may not be outright wrong, but still there’s something that is just not right! And if you are indeed feeling that way, you need to spend some time apart to figure out if you really want to be couple! Today, we want to share some common red flags which suggest that you probably need a relationship break.
Obviously I am no expert, and no one could possibly know the teeny-weeny details of your relationship better than you, and therefore only you can decide if you do need a relationship break or not. But hey! I am just bringing some relationship break signs to the fore, so that it is easier for you to decide.
Suggested read: 33 things you NEED to do to breakup-proof your relationship
Okay then! Let’s skim through these and see if these warning bells remind you of anything going on in your relationship!
1. Their oddities no longer attract you!
Image source: Flickr
Or should I say, they drive you freakin’ nuts! They may have been messy always, but now it is very difficult for you to stand this slobby creature!
Suggested read: 19 things you must NEVER do if you want to have a perfect relationship
2. Spending time watching your favorite series, or with your friends or even doing you 9-5 loyally, sounds way more fun…
Than spending it with your partner! Of course, it is not intentional! But you are indeed making a choice and picking other things over your S.O.!
3. You feel like you are stuck in a rut!
Image source: Shutterstock
Things are not moving forward, and you have no clue why it is that way! So if the two of you have started making excuses regarding things like talking about what the future holds or whether you should move in together, you guys are probably doing it for a reason! Why don’t you take a relationship break and figure that out?!
4. You keep breaking up!
But get back together twice as faster! That is plain dysfunctional, guys!
5. The action under the sheets is something of the past now.
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
If you think you are not physically attracted to your mate, imagine a future like that. You get what I mean, don’t you?!
6. On the contrary, sex is all you’ve got!
If your relationship has boiled down to physical needs alone, it’s high time you pick the hint and call for a relationship break! While your relationship may last for years this way, it will not be such a convenient and happy thing as you grow older and have scarcer things to talk to each other about!
7. You have started wondering if there are other people out there, and whether they would be better for you!
Being curious is something, but if this is something you keep thinking about every now and then, something is not right! So if you are fancying a man who might be more loyal or more responsible or way more compatible than the person you are dating right now, there are holes in your relationship!
8. You squabble about almost everything, all the time!
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
Fighting is healthy for a relationship, yes! But that is true only to an extent, beyond which it just isn’t normal or cute! If you think you guys are picking fights all the time and there is nothing positive or rewarding to look forward to, I think you should consider a break!
9. You are keeping the relationship going because…
You have gotten used to each other! Ouch!
10. Your partner feels really suspicious about your every move!
Is it because you are acting shady or are they not prepared to handle an adult relationship? In both cases, there are things the two of you have to work on!
Suggested read: 19 things you must NEVER do if you want to have a perfect relationship
11. You are being taken for granted!
Image source: Shutterstock
A good relationship has got to be reciprocal, where you get equivalent love and respect from your partner. If that is missing, and your mate’s putting his or her needs above yours, things aren’t the way they are supposed to be!
Listen, I know it is tough for you to give up on something on which you have put in a lot of emotion and time. But this relationship break might be a way of fixing the smaller problem so that you don’t need to deal with the bigger problem of a break up!
Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License