What to do and what not to do while proposing marriage to your lady love
Marriage proposals can either go as planned or can go horribly awry. Here’s a list of do’s and don’ts to keep in mind, so that your lady love will love it.
Marriage proposals can either go as planned or can go horribly awry. Here’s a list of do’s and don’ts to keep in mind, so that your lady love will love it.
Desi crush, a dating app, has been specifically targeted at the Indian diaspora community. Here’s a detailed review of the app.
Romance novels are sappy, mushy, and sentimental. But they do have important life lessons in them. One lady lists what life lessons she picked up from them.
If you think about it, dating is a courageous and a noble act, because the future of humanity rests on men and women finding their mates and propagating.
If you fell in love with a woman labelled ‘divorcee,’ would you have a problem with that? This young man doesn’t seem to think so. Read on to know why.
Parents play an important role in a child’s development. But to influence who your kid should marry, is taking parental involvement to another level.
This 93-year-old widower’s poignant poem written for his late wife, truly makes us believe in eternal love. He read the poem on BBC Radio 5 show.
We Indians have the power to desify anything. Here’s a list of meeting places that have been desified by our indigenous love birds, from malls to parks to highways!
Arranged marriages are tricky. When meeting a prospective partner, it can be overwhelming as to what to ask and what not to ask. Here’s a list that’ll help.
Arranged marriages have seemed to work really well since its inception. It is not a panacea for all that ails relationships, but it has its merits.