The first time I kissed a girl, I swear I was able to taste a forever in one moment. Her presence seemed to linger in my mouth long after we parted our lips. Little did I know that it would be our last kiss! We thought that we had an entire eternity for the two of us. It turned out that the universe had something else planned for us. That one long lasting kiss.
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
And that is how I remember her now. Our love story was different. We never grew old together. We never really went through that struggling phase of a long distance relationship. We never got married or had kids. We didn’t even share our entire lifetime together. We just had that one kiss. A few memorable days to last long an entire lifetime. People might assume that this is not how love is supposed to feel like. They might question the mere existence of it, but they don’t know that not every kind of love is supposed to last long. A few love stories last only for a moment, but that doesn’t make them less than any other epic romantic tale.
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Often we meet people for a reason and when that motive is served, they might end up leaving us. Not every relationship transforms into long lasting love, but that doesn’t mean that we were never invested in that relationship. We gave our best and loved the other person with the whole of our heart and soul. In the end, you should have no regrets. Because that is how love is supposed to be like.
Suggested read: Why none of us need the forever love…
Whoever termed the phrase “happily ever after” never really loved someone passionately. Often, we fall in love with someone by merely looking at them. We might commence our own saga of unrequited love and can even plan an entire future together in our head. It is one of the most selfless feelings in this world and can’t be compared to anything else. Yes, it’s not the kind of long lasting love that we read about in books, but in the end, it makes you a better person. It gives you unforgettable memories to last long an entire lifetime with and nothing can really beat that!
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Not every story has an ending. The best tales in this world are incomplete. Don’t give your story any ending at all – be it good or bad. It’s not supposed to come to an end. Let it stay in its eternal middle and freeze yourself, not letting even the passage of time to wipe you away from the face of this earth. Let love be your binding force. You might need to give it all only to experience love for a moment. But you know what? It would be completely worth it!
You don’t need to find your one true love in a blink of an eye. It is all about the journey and you got to experience different shades of love before you experience your long lasting love. So that when you finally get it right, you realize the significance of your eternal ending. But till then, you need to make a few pit-stops in order to find happiness in whatever form you get, knowing that this is a significant part of life and you won’t have it any other way.
Image source: Pinterest
Do you really want to regret your decision of missing out something really precious just because you were too afraid to say “yes” to life? Often, people lose a lot of things by either saying “no” too soon or “yes” too late. Be sure that you are not one of them. Welcome love to your love, even when it comes in the most unexpected ways. You are not supposed to love someone with a condition. You are not supposed to worry if it is long lasting love or not.
You are just supposed to love unconditionally. And that should be more than enough.
Featured image source: Pinterest