In a world that is getting increasingly obsessed by material possessions, tangible achievements and other equally hollow parameters that gauge your worth to tag you as ‘admirable,’ or ‘successful,’ it is important that you know that you are not defined by…
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…how big your house is or how many cars stand in your garage. You are home to somebody. And that somebody will walk right alongside of you, through the journey of life, whether or not you have a car to drive or fate’s given it a flat tyre or two.
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
…how much or little money you have in your pocket or bank account. You are someone’s prized treasure. And when life shall steal away your big, fat wads of green, you’ll see that someone shall choose to stay and not leave your side.
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
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…how many or few stamps your passport displays. You are not the number of countries you have visited. You are a soul sewn together by the experiences you’ve lived. You are a foreign language someone wishes to learn. And you are a treasure chest of memories somebody keeps safe in his heart.
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
…how you look on the outside. You are more than the labels you wear or the price you spent on them. You are more than the size of your jeans, the number of calories you eat or the number gaping on the scale. You are beautiful, in the nakedness of your mind, body and soul. And there is someone, who chooses to love you in all your raw, naked simplicity.
Image source: Shutterstock
…how you compare to the ‘ideals’ in the world out there. You are more than the color of your eyes or skin, more than the weight on the barbell you pull off the ground or the dumbbell you hoist overhead. You are more than the circumference of your waist or thighs and more than the scars and marks that make you human. You are perfect, in your seeming ‘imperfections’ and there is someone who shall love them perfectly.
…your job and the paycheck it brings you. You are more than the numbers you crunch in the boardroom. You are more than the deadlines you miss or the stabbing guilt it brings along. You are the seed that promises to bear fruit, when given optimal conditions. You deserve no less and will deliver no less.
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
…mistakes you make along the way. Nobody tells you it is okay to screw up, so I am. You are more than the mess you create. So, you screwed up- at least, it brought you a lesson. Maybe it brought inspiration to someone else too. Seeing you fall, rise back up and wear your scars as badges of victory or tokens of a respectable defeat isn’t shameful. It is a new shot at the game we call life, a new antic in the circus we all refuse to acknowledge we are simply playing ‘the fool’ in.
Let’s don that motley suit and wear our folly with pride- for we are all more than labels. Human, in our ordinariness. And human again, in our extraordinariness.
Featured image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License