Why Black Lives Matter: A Black Woman Requests Her People To NOT Get Tired Already!
A black woman appeals to her fellow protesters to not lose hope, and say they are tired of explaining why black lives matter.
A black woman appeals to her fellow protesters to not lose hope, and say they are tired of explaining why black lives matter.
Being friendzoned is not a very pleasant experience, and here’s an account of a girl being friendzoned by a guy. Ouch, doesn’t even begin to cover it!
Growing up dark-skinned in India makes you feel like anything but dark and lovely! Here’s my story , complete with weird anecdotes, about the colour-consciousness, and how you can overcome it!
I’ve done pretty much everything when I was single. Now that I’m getting hitched, there’s something amiss. Do I have a last fling before getting married?
The older you get, the more you realize that the ideal man is a myth. It’s a myth we women delude ourselves with.
Because failed relationships prepare you to succeed- and you gotta try!
I told myself I will never love again and then, life brought her!
Over the years, what I learnt from my girlfriend’s dad was more dear to me than what my absentee father could ever have given me.
Stay at home dads so not have it easy – but we love every bit of it!
Yes, I have a soft side and I won’t have it any other way.