Traveling has become quite easy and cheap too, in many aspects. And people are taking advantage of this and traveling extensively, like never before in history. A study conducted in 2013 revealed that Millennials are the most traveled lot, with people in their 20s and 30s spending as much as $217 billion on traveling in 2012. Whoa! That’s a massive amount of dough. Not only do Millennials want to move away from technology and enrich their lives by traveling and soaking in new cultures, they are looking for love on vacation too, says a new research by Topdeck Travel, a company which facilitates trips for Millennials.
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
The research was conducted by Topdeck Travel, in association with YouGov, and surveye 1,158 American Millennials. It studied how important traveling was for Millennials, as well as who hopes to find love while on vacation. The research, which was conducted online, revealed that one in eight men hope to meet their partner while traveling, far removed from the plethora of dating apps. Also, the research found that one in 11 postgraduate Millennials met their significant other while traveling abroad. Surprising, isn’t it?
Suggested read: 12 travel words that a couple with wanderlust would love
With the Millennials who love to travel to those who travel in search of love, here are 5 things you need to know about Millennial dating and traveling habits:
1. Over one third of Millennials prefer traveling to dating
According to the research, 37 percent of Millennials would give up dating so that they could save money for travel. Seems like life experience and soaking up new cultures in more important than finding love.
2. Women are not as hopeful of finding love while traveling as men are
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Millennial men, it seems are far more hopeful than women, because one in eight men have hopes of finding their significant other while traveling. But women, only one in 20 believes so. Seems like women have given up hope, eh?
3. More Millennial women would give up dating to travel than men
And women’s hopelessness seems to grow, eh? Because what else would you call 41 percent women as opposed to 32 percent men ready to give up dating in favor of exploring new lands and traveling the world?
4. Southerners are luckier than others of finding love abroad
The research revealed that one in 11 Millennials hope to find love abroad while traveling, and the Americans who are actually finding love are Southerners. Apparently, one in 12 Millennials from the South end up meeting their partner in another country.
5. Millennials trying to find more ‘authentic’ ways of meeting people
Image source: Shutterstock
According to Sarah Clark, global brand director for Topdeck Travel, more and more Millennials are seeking newer and more ‘authentic’ ways to meet people. And if that’s while traveling, it’s a win-win. Speaking about the trend, she said,
“We have actually seen a huge increase in couples meeting on Topdeck trips. Millennials are very much a well connected, impatient generation where technology has been implemented into every aspect of their lives. From social media to online dating, Millennials are stepping away from impersonal messaging apps to find love and are instead looking to connect with people in an authentic, unique way.”
So if you’re a Millennial and have been bitten by wanderlust, time to explore the world and also look for ‘the one,’ eh? What are you waiting for? Grab your passport, your carry on, and get going, you, because according to this new research about Millennial dating, traveling = finding your significant other. 😉
Featured image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License