Enough of watching those movies on NetFlix when he wasn’t quite beside to hold you – and NO, an air kiss on Skype or a hug doodle doesn’t quite do it. Now that you are taking that long-awaited trip to see your beloved, make sure you cuddle under that comfy, cozy comforter and watch movies, together – for real! And do we have the choicest of long distance relationship movies that you just HAVE to watch together!
Check out our heart-picked list of 15 long distance relationship movies that you just HAVE to watch together:
Suggested read: The epic guide to making your long distance relationship thrive
1. Sleepless In Seattle
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Among the movies about long distance relationships, this one figures on the top of the list. Two people from opposite sides of the country falling in love through a radio program! Nora Ephron has a thing about keeping her lovers separate until the audience just cannot help but root ferociously for them to be together! She did it with her screenplay in When Harry Met Sally, You’ve Got Mail, and she does it here again. The magic of the gentle romance is unswerving and unrelenting in its grip over our minds and the ephemeral nature of the chemistry, like that of the talk show that brings them together, is so warm and subtle that you only smile all the way through!
2. Going The Distance
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A guy who’s still recovering from an ugly heartbreak and a girl who seems to be hopping from one relationship to another with a sort of Seinfeldian non-commitment meet, surprisingly (and in a way refreshingly) over a video game at a bar, and laugh it off about the obligatory dating in New York, only to kiss themselves into love. But in their universe of quietly lowered romantic and professional expectations, will it all be easy when one of them has to leave for San Francisco? The answers are supplied with a perfect mix of honesty and charm. This one is a breezy comfort for all frequent-flier lovers!
3. Atonement
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If the Ian McEwan bestseller hooked you, you have no reason to skip this masterpiece adaptation for the big screen! Taking flight on joyous gossamer wings, this one ends in the tragic abyss of love, loss, and an acutely self-aware rendition of what betrayal and atonement entail. If you know how hard it is to love someone and wait for them, despite knowing in your heart of hearts that they may never come, this movie shall give you a mirror!
4. Like Crazy
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Not a clunky rom-com that fits the usual generic mold for long distance relationships. This one is a sweet, intimate, and warm tale of two lovers, who are put on different continents because one of them outgrows her stay by overstaying the visa. The challenges of a long distance relationship trickle in and we see the young lovers grapple with them within the nexus of a complicated flux of overwhelming emotions.
5. The Other End Of The Line
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Suggested read: 15 surprisingly simple long distance relationship advice to bring you closer
This beautiful classic depicts a long distance relationship that transcends the barriers of nationality, culture, race, and class. When a Bangalore call centre executive, posing as an American native, falls for the handsome and charming Granger Woodruff, she has no qualms to leave behind an angry father and a baffled fiancé to cross an ocean to meet the one man that she is actually supposed to be with. Of course, more challenges remain! A must watch long distance relationship movie in our opinion!
6. The Other Side Of Heaven
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John Groberg, a farm kid from Idaho Falls, crosses an ocean to become a missionary in the remote and exotic Tongan islands during the 1950s, leaving his girlfriend behind. They exchange letters throughout his travels. A must watch for all long distance lovers who cannot help but look up to the stars for that one fateful day when they shall meet! Would be heaven indeed!
7. The Lake House
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This one should have probably gone first on the list. But I debated whether the intense and intriguing long distance theme that resonates within this one was apt to be put forth first. This one is a novel breakthrough in the mold, given that the long distance undertones of this one are not so much of ‘distance’ but that of time. They live in the same city, the same house even, but they still aren’t quite close. Hooked yet? Go catch this one, if you haven’t already!
8. Gone With The Wind
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One of my favorite novels, the screen adaptation is perhaps riveting for fewer reasons, but seemingly enough to be on the list. The intense struggle of our favorite Southern manipulative belle of all times, Scarlett O’Hara, between her sentimental fixation on Ashley Wilkes and an all-consuming passionate ardor for Rhett Butler, leaves not an iota of doubt in my mind about strong waves of emotional current that convulse your being, even when the person you ‘feel’ them for is far away! Almost a time-capsule for old-world sentimentality and the vagaries of time and distance for a heart that loves, this one is a film where you go ‘all in.’ “Coz, frankly my dear, you wouldn’t give a damn (any other way!)”
9. Before Sunrise
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Suggested read: 14 signs to know if you’re cut out for a long distance relationship
A young man and woman meet on a train in Europe, and end up spending one romantic evening together in Vienna. Unfortunately, both know that this will probably be their only night together. The most endearing thing about this movie that is in part a Love Affair for GenX, save that it is only beyond the boring insistence on being bored – that it becomes refreshingly REAL, through subtle gradation. The conversations, much like the characters, spring to life, and you’d believe you are witnessing it as if you were on the train, eavesdropping! LinkLater’s acute grasp over unraveling the extraordinary in ordinary ticks of the clock when people meet, talk, share, and forge something deep in leaving behind a part of themselves with their companion for the conversation is riveting to the core. Also, when he has you completely hoping for those moments to stretch out into a lifetime of love, it comes to a halt – coz hey, there’s a sequel.
10. Before Sunset
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The sequel to Before Sunrise, this one takes place nine years after Jesse and Celine first met in “Before Sunrise”; now, they encounter one another on the French leg of Jesse’s book tour. The conversation continues, but unlike their youthful days of endless possibilities and everlasting hope, they now are older and engage in an exchange that builds up on a riskier level. They talk until he has to catch his flight back to America. Only, all their walking and talking – down paths, cobbled steps, past coffee shops, bookstores, gardens, and maybe more – ends with “Baby, you are gonna miss that plane.” Coz, yes, there’s a third part too!
11. Before Midnight
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Here, we meet Jesse and Celine nine years later in Greece. Almost two decades have passed since their first meeting on that train bound for Vienna. Now they are parents and have come to terms with the reality of life. Of course, the conversations still keep one hooked and leave us wondering if an undeniably powerful and instinctive connection between individuals as this, in itself a rarity, shall meet its happy end? Linklater thwarts that fantasy and collapses the definitive fable of love. It might not really cater to all audiences on the lookout for a glimmer of hope for ‘love’ that is subjected to the vagaries of time and distance, but it definitely is a perfect emblem of the sweetly absurd fantasies that need to endure the ‘wear and tear’ of life.
12. The Time Traveler’s Wife
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The sojourns of a man who cannot help but travel back and forth in time are interlaced with one more life – that of his wife! He had met her when she was nine, and told her they’d meet again. He met her at her college library, only to fall in love and get married, and yet, she cannot have all of him, not at all times anyway! Because he disappears and rematerializes on and off – how do you love like that, if at all? The movie is a beautiful rendition of the same, as was the book!
13. Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind
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An estranged couple, who have wiped each other off their memories, seem to realize vis-à-vis loss what they really had! You have to see this one to feel it!
14. Ghost
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Suggested read: 15 relationship problems only a long distance couple will understand
This one actually depicts that love, indeed, transcends the boundaries of time and space. An otherworldly love story, this one is a contender because the earth too could not limit all the love that Sam Wheat and Molly Jensen had for each other. Go watch this one immediately, and be careful to keep a box of tissues handy. Maybe even two!
15. Mary and Max
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I know this doesn’t quite fit the bill for a romantic association but I couldn’t close the list without chipping in at least one unconventional name in the category. An animated tale of friendship between two unlikely pen pals: Mary, a lonely, eight-year-old girl living in the suburbs of Melbourne, and Max, a forty-four-year old, severely obese man living in New York, this one is beautiful and speaks a language audible only to hearts!
Those are all the long distance relationship movies I’d rather you watch with your lover after an eventful day for some cozy cuddling! As for the rest, remember not to identify with anything too much – coz long distance really needs proactive commitment and active efforts to help the relationship go long!
Happy Loving!!