We’ve all heard those mushy, sickeningly sweet ‘how we met’ stories and wondered if that’s what really happened. These couples’ meeting stories seem even more annoying when you are single (it hurts, ok!).
So just for the sake of doling out some aloe to the burnt-in-jealousy single peeps out there, we break down the most commonly used phrases in these mushy and overly sweet couple meeting stories and put them under a microscope!
1. What they say: We met at a bar.
Image source: Giphy
What it actually means: We got drunk and had sex and were too hung-over to go anywhere and hence ended up together!
2. What they say: We met through a mutual friend.
Image source: thegloss
What it actually means: And the mutual friend is…. *drumroll* TINDER!
3. What they say: I was going through a hard time and then he/she came along <3
Image source: Tumblr
What it actually means: ‘Hard Time = Recent Breakup.’ It was a rebound relationship that incidentally lasted. That’s good too, right?
4. What they say: We met at a friend ki shaadi.
Image source: Giphy
What it actually means: We were sad and depressed that everyone around us was getting married; hence, we got together!
Suggested read: 10 best perks of being in a relationship
5. What they say: We started dating each other in our school days.
Image source: Tumblr
What it actually means: Since everyone in high school was ugly, we fell short of options and settled for each other. Now it’s too late to unsettle!
6. What they say: He was my brother’s best friend and eventually asked me out.
Image source: Tumblr
What it actually means: We were too lazy to actually go out and look for anyone else!
7. What they say: We met on an airplane, got to talking and fell in love!
Image source: rebloggy
What it actually means: Guess our matchmaker’s name? Oh yes, Boredom!
8. What they say: We met at a family dinner on Diwali/Holi/Christmas.
Image source: Tumblr
What it actually means: Our meeting was secretly arranged by our parents, we just don’t want to admit it!
9. What they say: We met at the church and eventually fell in love.
Image source: Giphy
What it actually means: We were both looking for people with the same religious beliefs- so…
10. What they say: We used to go to the same gym.
Image source: Giphy
What it actually means: We got together because we both had low self-esteem and helped each other feel better about each other.
11. What they say: We met online!
Image source: NewGirl
What it actually means: We were both looking for people to hook up with on the internet.
12. What they say: We just bumped into each other at a concert/restaurant/pub.
Image source: imgur
What it actually means: We were desperate and single at the time… and well, rest is history!
Also, all you together-lovebirds, whatever your story may be, and no matter how you met, we wish you happiness forever- dil se!
Featured image source: Tumblr