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12 Things That Make You Happy In Life

When someone asks me what I want most in life, I reply, I want to be happy. A happy life is everyone’s dream, isn’t it? We do what we do, struggle through life, toil day in and day out, with the hope of being happy one day. But what if being happy, or not, is entirely in your hands? It’s true, I’m not yanking your chain.

I’ve often pondered questions like – how can I be happy? What would make me happy? Are there ways that I could make myself happy? Don’t I have to have a perfect life to be happy? However, you don’t need much to be happy, is what I’ve gathered over the course of the last few years.


Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Granted that happiness is very subjective, and one shoe doesn’t fit all. While some people find happiness in making money, some others are happy when they get that promotion at work that they’ve been working towards, and to even some, it’s getting a good night’s sleep and not worrying about where their next paycheck comes from.

If, like me, you’ve been wondering how can I be happy, you just need to remember a few things and work towards achieving it, because, after all is said and done, happiness is in your hands. As someone wisely said, happiness is a choice. You need to make that choice every day, consciously.

Suggested read: Happiness is a choice – you need to make it every day!

To that end, you need to have a few happy things that matter in your life. With these happy things, you’ll know what it means to be truly, utterly, ecstatically happy in life.

Let’s see what those things are, shall we?

1. Having a loving family/partner

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Having someone in life to love and who loves you – unconditionally, plays a big part in your happiness. Having someone in your life with whom you share your life, your joys, your sorrows, adds meaning to your life. We humans have an inherent need to feel loved. And having someone in your life who fulfills this need can give you a lot of happiness. After all, love does make everything more beautiful and meaningful.

2. Having a satisfying job

You spend almost half your life working, and if you do not have a job that satisfies you, then it can only bring you sadness. Besides, your work defines you as a person. So it’s imperative to your happiness that you love your job. If you’re working just to earn your paycheck, then it’s not very satisfying, is it? And it can’t bring you happiness either. Loving what they do is something very few people can boast about, and if you’re one of them, then that’s one more thing you can be happy about.

3. Having a few good friends


Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Friends add color to your life. You may have five thousand virtual friends, but you only need a handful of genuine, real life friends who you can trust and spend time with. You may be aiming for the stars, but never forget your friends. Continued interactions with these few friends, either over the phone or an evening spent hanging out with them, has the power to make you feel more positive and happy.

4. Having a hobby or a passion

Pursuing a hobby or a passion can bring you a sense of achievement, satisfaction, and peace of mind like no other. If you don’t have a passion, then find one. Whether it’s something simple like reading, gardening, or even learning a new language, or fixing a car, a passion brings a new dimension to your life by giving your confidence and pride in your abilities.

5. Having a good night’s sleep

woman sleeping_New_Love_Times

Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

This might seem trivial, but is really one of those oft-overlooked things that has the potential to wreak havoc in your life. Not everyone is blessed with a good night’s sleep. If you’re one of those, count yourself lucky, because lack of sleep means you’re slow, your focus is shot, and you have to drag yourself to complete even the smallest of tasks. A minimum of seven to eight hours of sleep is necessary to feel refreshed in the morning when you wake.

Suggested read: 8 stunning scientific ways in which marriage correlates to happiness

6. Taking an occasional vacation

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Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

A vacation is a way to break free from the mundane and rejuvenate yourself. A vacation doesn’t always mean you have to spend loads of dough and go to an exotic location. No. It could be as simple as taking a day trip to the next city over, or a trek through some rough terrain, or a luxury cruise in the Caribbean. It doesn’t matter where you go, as long as you take some time off and go somewhere. As hard as you work and live your life, a vacation is a kind of gift you give yourself for all your hard work.

7. Having a sustainable income

Money is important, because without money, you won’t be able to indulge in a lot of things that you would like to. On the other hand, money isn’t everything either. You need to value money to the extent that it adds value to your life. Whether you’re earning handsomely or just enough, you have to have a sustainable income at all times so that you can indulge in some of the things you want in life. Feeling rich is a state of mind, really. You could be earning millions and yet not feel happy, or you could be earning just enough and yet feel all the happiness.

8. Having a goal to work towards

You have to have a goal in life to work towards because without it, we’re just existing, not really living. In short, you’re just going through the motions. With the limited time we’re given on this planet, you need to constantly create goals, whether big or small, work towards them, and accomplish them. Each time you achieve a goal, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment, pride in your abilities, and feel good about yourself. This adds to your zeal to create more goals and achieve them with dedicated effort.

9. Taking good care of your body

woman exercising_New_Love_Times

Image source: Shutterstock

Exercise, in any form, is a mood enhancer. Besides, with the sedentary lifestyle that this generation is accustomed to, exercise is all the more important. Work out regularly to fill your body with endorphins, the happy hormones. Not only does it help you become fit, it also makes you feel good, both inside and outside. If you feel good inside, it will give your confidence a boost that will make you feel and look sexy too. Besides, working out regularly will give you a sense of accomplishment.

10. Indulging in good food

Good food is one of the things that can truly make you happy. You don’t have to be a consummate foodie to appreciate good food. Cooking a meal with your significant other, sharing dinner and drinks with your friends and/or family, or even something as simple as trying out a new restaurant, new cuisine, will leave you with a new experience. After all, life a series of experiences, and some of the most memorable and happiest conversations are shared over good food.

11. Taking time to appreciate the world

The world is a beautiful place, if only you take the time to appreciate it. No matter how busy you are or how late you are for work, pause, stop, and appreciate all the little things that catch your attention. When you take the time to appreciate and be thankful for the little things that you can appreciate your life and be truly happy.

Suggested read: 8 lessons I learnt when everyone around me was getting married

12. Making memories

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Your life is a series of memories. Some you are beautiful, that you cherish for the rest of your life, and others that become vague with the passage of time. In your pursuit of happiness, don’t forget to make memories along the way. After all, it’s these memories of today that bring you happiness tomorrow.

So stop wondering how can I be happy, and remember these 12 things that make your life happy. Remember, the future doesn’t promise you happiness; the past is done and gone, and today is your chance to make yourself happy. You just have to have the guts to grab happiness with both hands and cherish it.

Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Article Name
How Can I Be Happy? With These 12 Things
Have you been pondering the question - how can I be happy? Then you've come to the right place!
Chaitra Ramalingegowda

Chaitra Ramalingegowda

I fell in love with storytelling long before I knew what it was. Love well written stories, writing with passion, baking lip-smacking-finger-licking chocolate cakes, engaging movies, and home-cooked food. A true work-in-progress and a believer in the idiom 'all those who wander are not lost'. Twitter: @ChaitraRlg