The cold winter months are great for ghee laden sweets and hot deep fried pakodas, accompanied with endless mugs of steaming chai and shots of brandy at night. Winter also brings with it itchy dry skin, and if that was not enough of a nuisance, many have to deal with a dry flaky scalp too.
But it doesn’t take much to remedy the dryness. Most of the time, remedies for our skin and hair care problems are actually easily available, because they can be made at home with simple ingredients you can find in your kitchen. Here are six such home remedies for dry scalp in winter that will help you get your beautiful hair and scalp back to normal.
1. Use aloe vera plant gel as a moisturizer
This succulent plant is so versatile that it can be used as a home remedy for a range of ailments – be it inflammation, open wounds, cracked heels, or even dry scalps. And that is why you should have a potted aloe vera plant in your garden or verandah at all times.
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A transparent gel can be extracted from the leaves of the plant with ease. Simply apply this gel on your scalp like you would apply any oil. You don’t need to massage it – just leave the gel on for about half an hour and let this healing substance do its job. The gel gets rid of both dead cells and any bacteria, lice, or dandruff present on your scalp. You might want to use the gel every day if your hair tends to get dry frequently too.
2. Or go to the kitchen for some baking soda
Baking soda has as many uses as a cooking ingredient as it does outside the kitchen. One such use is to cure your dry scalp. Baking soda helps restore the disturbed pH balance of your scalp underlying its dryness, and also destroys any fungi or bacteria that worsen the problem. And no more redundant dead cells either!
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
Just mix a teaspoon of baking soda with some water to make a smooth paste. Make sure the paste is not too watery or too thick. For best results, add water to the spoonful of soda, little by little. Gently apply to your scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes before washing it off. Do so every two days to avoid a dry scalp this winter.
3. Peppermint oil is essential for dry scalp repair
This is an essential oil with a wonderful aroma and, interestingly, lots of healing properties. If you’re not yet a fan of essential oils, you soon will be; especially after you try this minty oil on your scalp.
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Peppermint oil will soothe the itchiness on your scalp by cooling it. It works really well on sensitive scalps. All you have to do is put two to three drops of peppermint oil in two tablespoons of warm water and massage it on your scalp. If you want, you can mix in a few drops with your regular oil and massage your scalp gently too. The oil should be easily absorbed by your skin. Use this remedy until your dryness is gone.
4. Try an oatmeal hair mask to get rid of dryness
Oatmeal is not just a healthy breakfast option; it has the power to restore your scalp to its smooth, itch-free state. Rich in Vitamin E, among other nutrients, it will help keep your hair moisturized and will also soothe the itchiness you constantly feel.
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The recipe for this home remedy is simple enough. You will need to boil six cups of water, add twelve tablespoons of oatmeal powder, and two teaspoons of honey. Simmer this mixture on the stove for an hour, then remove from the stove and strain it. If you want, you can add an essential oil like rosemary oil, sesame oil, or peppermint oil. Let it cool before you massage your head with this concoction.
5. Olive oil and almond oil work wonders
Both olive oil and almond oil have nutrients that can help keep your scalp moisturized. They also get absorbed into your skin very quickly, which makes them perfect solutions for winter dryness. Two or three applications will make your scalp soft, and your hair smooth and silky.
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Take two teaspoons each of almond oil and olive oil, and warm the mixture. Massage the concoction into your scalp while the oil is still warm. Wait overnight before you wash your hair off with a gentle shampoo.
6. A banana mask will keep your scalp moisturized
Banana is a great fruit often used in home remedies, including as a moisturizing agent for dry hair and scalp. Bananas also promote hair growth, and will make your hair shine like that of models in shampoo ads.
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All you have to do is mash a banana and rub it on your scalp. Keep it on your hair for at least 30 minutes, and then wash it off. It may take you some extra time to wash it off as the banana mash may stick to your hair, but be patient. A banana mask is a great treatment for dry scalps as its healing properties come into effect pretty quickly.