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#AstroSpeak Here’s How Each Zodiac Sign Can Effectively Cope With Anxiety

Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”
― Corrie ten Boom

If your days and nights are ridden with anxiety as well and you struggle to keep those demons in check, while you force yourself into a smile, you may do well to tap into your essential nature to look for clues to brave the struggle, fight and defeat the enemy. Your stars can whisper all the solutions you need to cope with anxiety, if only you keep them close and ASK!

Suggested read: Between anxiety and love, choose LOVE- ALWAYS!

So, we did a little probing and pushing on your behalf (because we know anxiety keeps you down in the dumps), and got eerything you need to cope with anxiety by doing naught save taking to your own self:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

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You are a do-er. So, sitting idle won’t really help you in reducing anxiety. To combat anxiety, you need to get up, nourish your adventurous side and stir your instigating self. You need to change the current situation by taking matters into your own hands. Obviously, it won’t work miracles at once, but just the act of doing something about it will make you feel good than just sitting back idle and letting things be the way they are.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

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You have a profound admiration for beautiful things. So, to pacify your anxiety, you need to be in the lap of comfort and luxurious pleasures. This doesn’t mean you’re shallow, it just means that you adore luxury and that calms you. A cozy, vast and comfortably adorned living space will just work wonders to alleviate the lack of control that you feel in life.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

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You are certain about a fact that the people who you love might not like your unpleasant side and hence, will leave you. This adds an immense amount of stress inside you. You need to understand that the ones who actually love will be by your side at the end of each day, be it good or bad days; they’ll lend their shoulder for you to cry on and they’ll listen when you want to vent out your feelings. So stop keeping your feelings to yourself for absolutely no reason.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

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To soothe your anxiety, you need to let go of your obsession over tiny things. Stop over-thinking whatever you say because you are of the opinion that you are always affronting and offending someone. People don’t even have time enough to think about what all wrong things you have said. Just like you have important stuff to think about in your life, so do they.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

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There will never be a moment in your life where you’ll be immune to mess. You’ll have to deal with the fact that you can’t always keep things in your full control. Your belief that you absolutely need control has led you into being aggressive and difficult, which is adding to your stress and anxiety. You need to be self-aware of the fact that no one is going to respect or admire you for dire need of controlling things at all times.

Suggested read: How anxiety affects a relationship and how to tackle it

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

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You have become your worst enemy because you keep criticizing yourself as you think others undoubtedly do the same thing. You need to let go of this poison in your life to attain peace and happiness. Try talking to yourself as gently and kindly as you talk to your loved ones and you’ll no more feel wounded and uneasy. In fact, you’ll feel a lot better.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

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You are a happy-go-lucky person- charming and everyone’s favorite. How much ever alluring that may sound, it does give you a feeling of discomfort that you’ll lose it someday. You are so anxious and apprehensive that you want to please everyone. Stop doing so. Make proper decisions and rationalize yourself on the same. You won’t be detested for that.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

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You are persistently comparing yourself with others and end up in envy so intense that it sucks up all of yourself from you. Your uneasiness arises from the fact that you’re letting jealousy overshadow the real you. Hence, put everyone else behind the bars of your mind and let your mind celebrate your own self truly and ardently. Only then will you be able to focus on what you want, thereby resulting in your happiness.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

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You leave all things up to fate to decide instead of taking charge of your own life and doing something that you want to do. It’s good to be optimistic and independent, but that should not mean that you don’t set your goals straight, and plan efficiently and work towards achieving what you want. Only then will you see things turning out the way you always wanted them to. Hence, decide things for yourself rather than letting the universe decide it for you.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

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You spend almost all your time thinking about the worst possibilities that en event could end up with. This causes a tremendous amount of anxiety within you. You must understand and percept the distinction between being practical and being stubbornly pessimistic. Gain knowledge of all that you can do to create a positive impact in your life, and then make no way for fears, worries and tensions- denounce them all to live a calm life.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

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In order to be independent, one must know that it feels comfortable knowing that we have someone to have our backs when we take risks, someone to support us in just the right amount when we attempt something that we would normally be scared to. And you need to understand that. You are a freedom-lover for sure, but it doesn’t mean that you’ll detach yourself from all your worldly relations. So be open to all your loved ones because they are the ones who’ll actually pick you up from the dirt and dust and catch you when you fall from the glitter and shimmer.

Suggested read: 15 things you need to know if you’re dating a person with social anxiety

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

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You are an easy escapist. Your outlook on dealing with situations filled with anxiety to the brim is to avoid them as best as you can and move on with life. You never try to tackle them, thereby resulting in a huge amount of pent up emotions inside you. It is extremely important for you to face your fears and not let them hold you back. Do what you have always wanted to do, without being afraid this time. It may sound too scary, but it will be less horrifying than realizing that all your life, you had just let your fears sink in than to actually face them and overcome them.

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Featured image source: Google copyright-free images, under Creative Commons License

Article Name
Here’s How Each Zodiac Sign Can Effectively Cope With Anxiety
Your zodiac can offer helpful solutions to cope with anxiety, provided you sit up and take note! Hint: the strength lies in YOU!
Sejal Parikh

Sejal Parikh

"I'm a hurricane of words but YOU can choose the damage I do to you..."