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How To Ease Teething Pain In Babies With 8 Simple Home Remedies

The process in which the first set of teeth start emerging from an infant’s gums, is called teething. This first set is called baby teeth usually, while some people also call it milk teeth.

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image, under Creative Commons License 

The process of teething generally starts when the kid’s age is between 6 and 8 months. For all the teeth of this set to come, it can take up to 2 years.

Though for some babies teething does not come with a lot of pain, for many it can create a great deal of discomfort and pain.

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Symptoms of teething

The most common symptoms associated with teeth are:

  • Swollen and tender gums
  • Excessive dribbling
  • Slight fever
  • Fussiness
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Crying
  • Tendency to bite on things
  • Red cheeks
  • Earaches
  • Mild diarrhea

Some kids even refuse to breastfeed when they start teething.

When a baby is teething, it becomes very difficult to handle them. These babies tend to become cranky because they are in great discomfort. With these home remedies for teething, however, you can make the process a little easier for you darling toddler.

If the discomfort does not go away despite you trying all these home remedies, then you have to take you baby to the doctor. According to Parenting,

“Because some signs of teething may actually be signs of illness, call if symptoms worsen (for instance, a low-grade fever reaches 101° F or higher) or linger for more than a couple of days. Same goes if no teeth have come in by 15 months, in which case your pediatrician may want you to take your child to a dentist for an x ray.

The teething process lasts about two years, but after the first few teeth come in, the process tends to be much less painful. (Experts aren’t sure why that is—it could be that babies get used to what teething feels like over time.) Once the first tooth appears, try to start cleaning it twice a day by rubbing gently with a washcloth. Whatever you do, don’t put your baby to bed with a bottle or nurse him to sleep once his teeth come in, since he’s now prone to cavities. This may be a tough time for your baby (and you), but with a little help, he’ll have a lifetime of happy smiles.”

Home remedies for teething

Find below 10 effective and easy natural treatments to help your baby through the teething process.

1. Chilled Carrots

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image, under Creative Commons License 

The first remedy on our list today is chilled carrots. However, you can only offer this to your baby if he or she has started eating solid foods.

The chilled carrots will help against the inflammation and soothe your baby’s gum pain, and the sweetness of the carrots will give your baby the nutrition he or she needs to recover from the pain.

The carrots will also help provide relief to the sore gums.

To try this as a remedy for teething, begin by taking a large carta and washing it. Peel off the skin, and place it in a refrigerator for about 20 minutes. Now give it to your teething baby (make sure the carrot is not frozen), but while he or she chews on it, keep a close watch. You don’t want the baby to go through a choking session.

Apart from the chilled carrots, you can also give your teething baby cubes of chilled cucumber or apple.

2. Chamomile

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image, under Creative Commons License 

The next remedy on our list is chamomile which is recommended for teething babies of age 1 year or older. Chamomile’s anti-inflammatory properties make it an amazing treatment for inflamed nerves.

Chamomile also helps soothe an upset stomach.

Bring a cup of water to boil. To this, add half a teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers. Let the flowers steep for about 10 minutes. Strain the tea and give your baby a teaspoon of this tea every two hours. Make sure the tea is not too hot.

3. Massage the gums

According to Mayo Clinic, to relieve your baby’s inflamed gums,

“Rub your baby’s gums. Use a clean finger or moistened gauze pad to rub your baby’s gums. The pressure can ease your baby’s discomfort.”

You should also massage the baby’s jaw area lightly and slowly, in circular motion.

4. Vegetable Juice Pops


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Beetroots and carrots are great for teething babies because they are anti-inflammatory and help soothe the irritation and pain in the gums, which are the usual symptoms of teething in babies.

Also, these veggies help strengthen the immune system of the baby.

For the remedy, begin by extracting the juice of two carrots and a beetroot. Mix the juices. Pour the mixture into ice pop molds, and place the molds in the refrigerator. Once chilled remove the pops from the molds and give it to your baby.

The cold temperature of the molds soothe the baby’s gums and provide relief.

5. Arrowroot Cookies

The next remedy on our list is arrowroot cookies. These cookies help get rid of the pain caused by teething.

Since arrowroot is a rich source of starch, it fills your baby’s tummy and keeps him or her happy. Also, arrowroot is free of allergens and be given to a baby with any fear. An arrowroot cookie can calm a fussy baby in no time.

Suggested read: 8 Home Remedies That Can Give You Stronger Teeth In No Time

6. Applesauce

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Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License 

The next remedy on our list is applesauce. This is usually one of the first foods that is given to a baby. Applesauce is known to provide relief to babies having mild diarrhea. Mild diarrhea is also a common symptom associated with teething in babies. Apples are rich in pectin, which helps in formation of stools. This, in turn, prevents loose stools and thus treats the diarrhea.

To use it as a remedy, take an apple and wash it properly. Now peel off the skin and get rid of the core. Cut the apple into small cubes. Heat a saucepan and put the apple cubes in it. Add some water. The water should cover the apple cubes. Now let the water boil. Let the apple cubes cook in simmer so that they turn soft and tender. Remove the pan from the fire and let it cool. Pour the apple cubes into a blender and prepare a puree. Pour the puree into a glass and place the glass in the refrigerator. Feed chilled applesauce to your baby.

In addition to applesauce, you can also give your baby chilled homemade banana smoothie.

7. Clove Oil


Image source: Google, copyright-free image, under Creative Commons License 

The next remedy on our list is clove oil. You should, however, only try this treatment for children who are 1 year or older.

Clove oil is anti-inflammatory, which makes it an amazing remedy for teething. It is also analgesic and can help reduce the pain.

You need not purchase a bottle of clove oil. Prepare the oil at home with whole cloves.

Begin by adding two teaspoons of edible coconut oil in a saucepan. Now add a tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil to it. Now add two teaspoons of dry chamomile flowers and some 5 to 6 whole cloves to the pan. Heat the pan on a low flame. After about 15 minutes, remove the pan from the fire and let it cool. Strain out both the cloves and the flowers, and massage the oil lightly and slowly onto your baby’s gums.

Before applying the oil on your baby’s gums, test it on your own to see that it is not extremely strong.

8. Breastfeeding

The last remedy on our list is breastfeeding. This helps by taking away the discomfort and distracting the baby from the pain. If your baby has started biting you while you are breastfeeding it, then it is suggested you try different positions.

Clean your hands, and with your finger slowly and lightly massage your baby’s gums once before and after the feeding session.

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Additional tips to help reduce the discomfort during teething

  • You need to distract your baby when he or she is teething. For this, take him or her out for a stroll.
  • It has been seen that running a warm water bath can relax a baby and distract him or her off the pain.
  • During the teething process, children drool more that often. This might further cause skin irritation. Always keep a clean and soft washcloth handy to dry the baby’s skin when he or she drools. To prevent the irritation, apply a mild lotion or water based cream on his or her face.
  • For brushing your baby’s first teeth, use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Make sure it is small too

If none of these remedies or tips help, then you should visit the doctor immediately.

That is all we have on the home remedies for teething. Do you think this post was helpful? Do you have some suggestions for us? Let us know in the comment section below.

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See you again tomorrow with a new set of remedies for a general medical condition.

Until then!

Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image, under Creative Commons License 

Article Name
Here Are The 8 Most Beneficial Home Remedies For Teething In Babies
When babies are teething, they are in great discomfort. With these home remedies for teething, however, you can make the process easier for your baby.
Ruth Russell

Ruth Russell

‘To be or not to be’ if that’s the question, I would always want to be who I am – a lover, who binges on ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ every Christmas; that is, if she decides not to wallow in bed with ‘Wuthering Heights’! The other thing that I absolutely love is weddings! Well, who doesn’t like being in a room full of love stories, eh?!