Our work can sometimes be one of the most important parts of our life. After all, we spend a huge chunk of our time at work and are surrounded by our colleagues for hours. It is quite natural to befriend people at work and share all kinds of professional (and sometimes even personal) things with them. If you also have that one person at your office to share all sorts of stuff and spend a prominent time together, then chances are that you already have a work spouse.
I know there is nothing wrong with having a companion at work. After all, without them our work can become quite monotonous. We all need someone with whom we can have our morning coffee or talk about other colleagues. Though, that relationship can become complicated if you don’t draw the line. To start with, you need to be sure if you have a work husband or wife. Read on to clear your doubts.
Who is a Work Spouse?
Ideally, a work husband or wife is an individual at your workplace with whom you spend most of your time. You might seek their assistance related to your work, take coffee breaks together, and can even share details about your personal life. They are the first person whom you look forward to meeting when you arrive at work.
Although, your relationship might be confined to the boundaries of your workplace, they might know some of your deepest secrets. They are someone who just gets you and you share a deep sense of friendship with them that just can’t be replaced so easily.
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12 Signs you have a Work Spouse
Do you have that one special person without whom you can’t function properly at work? If your answer is “yes”, then chances are that you already have a work husband or wife. Here are some other evident signs that will help you know the same.
- You two are inseparable at work
This is the most evident sign of having an office spouse. The two of you always hang out together at work. Whether it is taking coffee breaks at the same time or having lunch, they are your go-to person. Everyone in your office is used to seeing the two of you together and might already have the matching duo nicknames.
- They don’t judge you no matter what
Your work buddy knows some of the most embarrassing stories of your life. Not just that, they could be a part of some of these stories as well. Needless to say, they adore you for who you are. Even after knowing your shortcomings and flaws, they accept you and listen to you without any judgment.
- You share all the office gossip
Let’s be honest, we all like to spill some beans and know secrets about other colleagues at work. When it comes to our office spouse, we can be transparent and share all the gossip related to the workplace. We know that they are like a safe place and we can share almost everything with them anytime.
- You chat with them all the time
Since we can’t talk to our office spouse in person all the time, we often take the assistance of texting or IM apps to chat with them. Not only to gossip, we also share viral links, articles, videos, and tons of other stuff with them as well. Apart from chatting at work, the two of you also texts after going back home from the office too.
- They know some of your deepest secrets
From your birthday to your favorite food and your worst breakup to your family secrets, they know it all. When we spend so much time with someone on a daily basis, they become an evident part of our life. We no longer hesitate in sharing intimate details about our lives with them.
- You talk about them with your friends a lot
Your friends and family members have also heard of your work buddy. Since you think of them constantly, it is quite tough to not include them in a conversation, even when they are not around.
- … But they haven’t actually met your friends or family
Even though your friends and family have heard of your work buddy a lot, it might happen that they haven’t really met them yet. I know, having an office spouse can be a complicated thing. You talk about them all the time, but still feel a bit hesitant to introduce them to your family.
- You enjoy working with them
There is a reason why they have become your office spouse in the first place. The two of you are in a perfect sync and can work together flawlessly. You know each other’s expertise and flaws, which makes the two of you a well-equipped machine.
- They are your biggest support system at work
No matter what, your work husband or wife always has your back. Even if you have screwed up something at work, you can confide things to them. They usually come up with the best solution and you rely on their suggestions a lot.
- You attend all the office parties together
If your office spouse is not going to a work party, chances are that you might miss it as well. After all, even a party is no longer fun if they are not by your side. The two of you usually attend all the parties together and have a great time. Some of the best memories that you have made at work are with your office spouse.
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- You miss them terribly whenever they take an off
The days your work buddy takes a leave are some of the hardest. You find it tough to concentrate even on your work and keeps texting them every now and then. It makes you realize that your workspace is quite boring without them and you can’t function properly when they are not around.
- You hang out after work as well
While this might not be universally true, most of the people hang out with their office spouse after work as well. The two of you like to go out and explore the city, visit new places to eat, or simply grab a meal post working hours. Since you can talk to them about almost everything, they make the perfect companion for a night out.
How to make sure it won’t turn into a romantic relationship?
A lot of people struggle to set boundaries with their office spouse. Since they know us so well and we find comfort in their presence, it often leads to a romantic relationship. While I’m not saying it is a bad thing, but if you are already with someone else, then you need to keep your working relationship professional. Here are some suggestions to help you prevent your office relationship developing into a romance.
- Set boundaries
If you don’t want to complicate things with your office spouse, then you need to set some boundaries. Whenever you think they are crossing the line, give them subtle hints. There is nothing wrong with taking a step back as well to make your intentions clear.
- Introduce them to your partner
This is the easiest way of letting them know that you are not looking for any romantic relationship. Introduce them to your partner and talk about them every once in a while to your office spouse. Your partner will also appreciate your honesty and it will make things quite clear for your work buddy.
- Try not to hang out after work a lot
If you hang out with them almost every day, then they might get the wrong idea. Although there is nothing wrong with meeting them outside every once in a while, try not to make it a regular practice. For instance, if you go out with them for drinks every evening, then chances are that it might take a romantic turn in your relationship.
- Don’t buy expensive gifts for them
We all get things like matching stationary and props for our office spouse. Though, if you overdo it and end up buying expensive items for them, then it might give a wrong idea. Buying stuff for them on special occasions (like their birthday or anniversary) is one thing, but making it a regular practice is a different story.
- Avoid texting or calling them after work
If you are already dating someone, then you should avoid texting your office spouse all the time. At times, we can get attached to someone else while being with our partner. You might not realize, but you can end up having an emotional affair with your colleague unknowingly.
- Be honest
Most importantly, be honest with your office spouse as well as your partner. If you are dating someone and you know it might hurt your office buddy, then you need to swallow the bitter pill. Also, let them know if they are crossing the line in a subtle manner. Clear your intentions and be honest in order to have a lasting and healthy relationship with them.
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While having an office spouse is a great thing, try not to make it complicated. Maintain a balance between your professional and personal life and make sure that you two stay in a perfect sync – no matter what. It is important to have someone by your side at work. After all, they can make your office feel like home and your work a whole lot interesting. Do you also have a work husband or wife? Let us know about it in the comments below.
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