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#AstroSpeak Daily Love Horoscope For 6th April, 2017

Monday is considered as one of the most hated days of all, but it is a common misconception. It is the middle of the week that can sometimes take a toll on people. If you are finding it hard to go through this week, then don’t worry! We can already see the weekend heading our way.

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Start your day with a dose of our daily love horoscope. You will surely feel better and would be able to move past the sense of monotony that might be surrounding you. Let’s proceed and know how the day is going to unfold for every Zodiac sign.

Suggested read: Why you shall fall in love with him, based on his Zodiac

Aries horoscope

Love and relationships: You might be confronted by your partner for something that you did a long time back. This can cause some unwanted tension in your relationship.

Health: It is a great day to go out and perform a rigorous workout.

Work: You would have to take some tough calls at work. Trust your gut and don’t get influenced by others.

Money: It is a perfect day to make a long-term investment.

Favorable color: Beige

Taurus horoscope

Love and relationships: You would feel fulfilled in your relationship. It is time to take the lead and let your partner know what you feel about them. They will certainly appreciate it a lot!

Health: Give your body the kind of workout it deserves. Push the envelope and set some serious fitness goals.

Work: It is going to be a great day at work. You will take the lead and create your distinctive space.

Money: Go ahead and invest your money in your dream project. The stars are already on your side.

Favorable color: Teal

Gemini horoscope

Love and relationships: You have to fight your inner demons in order to truly embrace your relationship. Take some time out and figure things out on your own. Try not to drag your partner into it.

Health: You will feel a little stressed all day long. Try to meditate to shake this feeling off.

Work: Maintain a neutral approach at work and commence a new project with caution.

Money: Make small investments and take a little risk. It will provide fruitful results in the long run.

Favorable color: Burgundy

Cancer horoscope

Love and relationships: Not everything in your relationship will go according to your will. Try not to get irritated and let go of yourself a little. Trust your partner instead – it will be worth it.

Health: You might encounter problems related to your spine or body posture.

Work: Don’t be a one man army at work. Rely on your team and stay in touch with them.

Money: It is definitely not an ideal day to make a risky financial move.

Favorable color: Gray

Leo horoscope

Love and relationships: Give your partner a surprise by taking them out on a romantic getaway. It is just a perfect day to strengthen your relationship and make some everlasting memories.

Health: Avoid carbs and unhealthy fats from your diet. Go for a more balanced meal.

Work: You might feel a little off at work today. Don’t worry! You can’t be your best every day. Give it some time.

Money: It is your lucky day, today. Even a risky financial move will yield favorable results.

Favorable color: Orange

Suggested read: How your Zodiac sign defines your style

Virgo horoscope

Love and relationships: Your partner might not reciprocate what you feel for them. Don’t push them and give them the space they need. They might be going through some issues as well.

Health: You might get a headache. Try not to skip meals, and take a nap.

Work: A sudden setback related to your career might take you off-guard. Give it some thought and come up with a Plan B.

Money: A big expenditure is on its way. Try to save as much as you can.

Favorable color: Violet

Libra horoscope

Love and relationship: Your changing mood and sudden demands might distance you from your partner. Try not to be too demanding in your relationship and focus on the good part.

Health: Stay away from junk food. You need to include more veggies and fruits in your diet.

Work: You might experience a complicated relationship with a colleague. Try to stay grounded to avoid an argument.

Money: Stay away from a risky investment and go for a safer alternative.

Favorable color: Pink

Scorpio horoscope

Love and relationships: You might feel a little monotonous in your relationship. Don’t worry! It is just a phase. Try to talk to your partner or plan a weekend getaway.

Health: Wake up a little early and go for a walk. You need to inhale fresh oxygen.

Work: Don’t doubt your abilities. Rely on yourself and don’t get distracted by others.

Money: Your finances are not in a great shape. Don’t make a long-term investment as of now.

Favorable color: Yellow

Sagittarius horoscope

Love and relationships: You will feel a lack of connection with your partner. Try to exercise together or simply have a heartfelt conversation with them. Make an effort to rekindle your romance.

Health: You might experience breathing-related or respiratory issues later today. Try to go out and take things slow.

Work: Don’t hesitate to grab a new opportunity at work. It will certainly give you fruitful results in the long run.

Money: Before investing your money anywhere, do your own bit of research.

Favorable color: Green

Capricorn horoscope

Love and relationships: You might have to make a major decision regarding your family and your significant other. Even though it sounds tough, deep within, you already know what your heart wants.

Health: Be careful of what you eat. Consume food from a hygienic source only.

Work: Don’t get overwhelmed by your work. Stay calm and start prioritizing things.

Money: You might get an unexpected return from a forgotten source.

Favorable color: White

Aquarius horoscope

Love and relationships: You would be surprised after getting overwhelming attention from your partner. Welcome this change with open arms and feel free to lead your relationship the way you want.

Health: Stay hydrated all day long. Drink lots of fluids.

Work: You will stay quite productive at work and might end up helping others as well.

Money: Wait for a while before making a crucial decision related to your finances.

Favorable color: Brown

Suggested read: Your Zodiac says a lot about what you are like in love

Pisces horoscope                                        

Love and relationships: It is a perfect day for your relationships. You are going to enjoy a warm and romantic day with the one you love. All the singles out there will get plenty of attention by their admirers.

Health: Don’t push your body too hard. There is nothing wrong with taking a break every once in a while.

Work: Stay positive at your workplace. Your attitude would end up inspiring your colleagues as well.

Money: Take an expert’s advice before making any crucial decision related to your finances.

Favorable color: Navy

Go ahead and make the most out of this beautiful day! We will be back with another daily love horoscope tomorrow. If you have any query, feel free to drop a comment below. We always love to hear back from our readers.

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Daily Love Horoscope For 6th April, 2017
Here’s your daily love horoscope for today. Check it out to see what the stars, the planets & the universe have conspired for you!
Bhavya Kaushik

Bhavya Kaushik

A national bestselling author, Bhavya believes that too often the stories we write paint the reality we try to escape from. Bhavya believes in breaking the stereotypes and trying new things because life is too short to let it stay boring. With his love for verse, he can be found avidly blogging about life, love and everything that covers in between. He lives his life by the motto, 'I'm the story of my own journey.' "I don't write stories. I write characters."