The rightful and fair Libra Moon will help you see both sides of the circumstances and situations life throws at you, today. However, staying open-minded throughout the long hours of today will be very difficult as the volatility from Mar and Uranus’ square yesterday will make a return! Maintaining a strong hold on the emotional connection you share with your partner will be almost impossible!
When it comes to your heart, we know things before you, honey, and we are sharing the same with you! Here’s the daily love horoscope for all sun signs, so that you can make the most of it!
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Aries horoscope
Love and relationships: You will wake up with an intention to make all the right changes in your love life today. But your timing might be bad.
Health: Both your productivity and your spirits are really high today. You have got so much stamina that if there were a marathon, you wouldn’t only participate, but even win it!
Work: Things will be a little manic at work, today. Looking at the tasks at hand from a practical perspective will help you work smarter.
Money: The money gods are working hard to tie up the loose ends. And so, expect financial clarity today.
Favorable color: Red
Taurus horoscope
Love and relationships: You and your S.O. will not agree on a financial decision today. If you stay cool, you will be able to play down the drama.
Health: You will be in an excellent mood today. Your charm, too, will be at an all-time high. Make great use of that!
Work: Your lucky planet Jupiter has made a return into your House of Career, and now the wheels are in his hands. You are in for a fun ride!
Money: You have just begun to take control of your financial situation, and are determined to handle the monetary stresses, in a mature way.
Favorable color: White
Gemini horoscope
Love and relationships: You will see changes unfold in your relationship, today. Prepare to feel a little insecure.
Health: Your mind will help you overcome your physical constraints, today. Even the most chronic of ailments can be cured by the strength of will and determination. So, do not underestimate your spirit.
Work: With your heart open and head in the game, brace yourself for some real magic at work, today.
Money: Venus is all prepared to take over your financial zone, which means you can start investing in your new financial ideas without worrying even a bit.
Favorable color: Purple
Cancer horoscope
Love and relationships: You want to spice things up in your love life. Your S.O. will be totally game with whatever it is that you suggest.
Health: Your sleep was disturbed because you were super-stressed about something. This is the right time to start meditating, dear.
Work: All those buts and excuses will not stand a chance today. If you want something at work, you will make sure you get it.
Money: You may think your financial progress has been slow. You need to trim down the expenses.
Favorable color: Burgundy
Leo horoscope
Love and relationships: You and your S.O. are working on a part of your relationship that has soured. Both of you are feeling really vulnerable, and this may not be the right time to take digs at each other.
Health: You may be troubled with some cough and cold today. Though the problem may seem minor, do not neglect it.
Work: Things will get crazy as hell any time next week, so today take a day off to rejuvenate and spend some quality time with your lover and loved ones.
Money: You may have to start saving up a little more as some rainy days are likely in the near future.
Favorable color: Ochre
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Virgo horoscope
Love and relationships: You have been arguing with your lover on some very trivial matters, lately. If it goes on this way, you both are most certainly going to be very negative towards one another, and it is very difficult to come back from a place like that.
Health: Some minor injuries involving fire is likely today. To be safe rather than sorry, avoid being near fire.
Work: If you think your life is busy, you are in for a paradigm shift. It is not the time to panic, but to work smarter.
Money: Try to spend a little more on social gatherings since that will act more as investment, helping you make connections with people in power.
Favorable color: Blue
Libra horoscope
Love and relationship: Today, you will not be able to find the right words to tell your partner just how much you love them. So if you do have to have a discussion for some reason, try to listen more and talk as less as possible.
Health: If you have been neglecting your health and fitness lately, you may have to deal with some serious ailments. Visit a doctor instead of relying on your preventive measures.
Work: Your confidence in your job knows no bounds right now. But try not to cross the thin line that pushes you into the danger zone of over-confidence.
Money: It is time to celebrate and splurge a little bit from what you have been saving up for the festivals.
Favorable color: Olive
Scorpio horoscope
Love and relationships: Some important things are happening in your relationship, and you cannot be subtle about voicing your opinion regarding the same. However, try to not hurt your S.O. by overreacting.
Health: Some skin breakouts are possible. But otherwise, the day will be fine, health-wise.
Work: You need to pace yourself, today, or all hell is going to break lose, at work. Work tensions will make it very difficult for you to think clearly, but that is where you learn a professional lesson of staying calm under pressure.
Money: You are usually very self-driven, but that, somehow, will take a back seat, today, causing some money to slip through your fingers.
Favorable color: Pink
Sagittarius horoscope
Love and relationships: The playful sexual energy has made a comeback with a bang. Expect some really hot love-making, as your S.O. is on the same page as you!
Health: Nightmares may trouble you today. Those dreams are only because of stress, so try to calm yourself and do things that cheer you up.
Work: Your professional skills have sharpened, leaving you with a sense of accomplishment. Today is the day to be proud of yourself.
Money: Traveling may be on the cards, so be careful about unnecessary expenditure now.
Favorable color: Violet
Capricorn horoscope
Love and relationships: Try to be very positive about your love life today. Though the amount of stress at work is weighing you down, find some time for you S.O. who might be feeling a little unloved.
Health: Today, you will feel more relaxed, physically, than you have in quite some time.
Work: Don’t trust your co-workers, blindly, today. They may not be as dependable as you think they are.
Money: Your debt picture is a little scary right now. You need to assume more responsibility when it comes to handling your money.
Favorable color: Brown
Aquarius horoscope
Love and relationships: It is high-time you stop controlling your partner. Remember, as soon as you let them be, they will feel a lot better and so will you.
Health: You will start making some solid changes in your fitness routine today, and what is best is that your friends will want to join in.
Work: You are extremely focused in your work, but there is something that is holding you back. What is it? Time to do some thinking, predicts the daily love horoscope.
Money: A lot of new interesting projects are opening doors of opportunity for you. Remember, the paycheck is just incidental.
Favorable color: Black
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Pisces horoscope
Love and relationships: Your love life seems a little dodgy, right now, and that might become a major source of your emotional angst. Talk to your partner about it.
Health: If you have migraines, frequently, today, will be a troubling day for you. Consider a head spa to rejuvenate yourself.
Work: To be more determined at work, you need to know what drives you most. It could be money or a sense of purpose or both, but figuring that out is necessary.
Money: You are feeling very insecure about money matters right now. May be you need to sit down and plan your savings and investments better.
Favorable color: Muted tones
That is all we have on your daily love horoscope for today. See you again tomorrow with all that the stars have in store for you. See ya!