Today is the day when your communication can go awry. The communications can be especially careless, harmful or hurtful and you may have to be always on the watch for a misstep that may ruin matters beyond repair. You are getting impatient with rules at work, have guilty feelings related to your relationships and have conflicting perspectives to contend with. You may suffer from a lack of faith or confidence and may not make effective decisions. It is best to lay low for a while and let the period pass.
If you wish to know more about the day, read your daily love horoscope here:
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Aries horoscope
Love and relationships: A close person may say or do something that rubs you the wrong way. Be careful so as to not say something that may prove to be doubly upsetting.
Health: You may want to practice some meditation to relax and soothe your nerves.
Work: You may not be in the place to score brownie points with colleagues- so tune out distractions and interruptions as best as you can and keep that flaring temper in check.
Money: You aren’t in the position to make sound financial decisions.
Favorable color: Rust
Taurus horoscope
Love and relationships: You might be reminded of things that you’d prefer not to hear. Take care not to say something hurtful.
Health: You may want to do something about that persistent headache today.
Work: Decisions made by higher-ups can prove especially frustrating today and you may make some hasty decisions you could repent.
Money: Save some dough for a rainy day.
Favorable color: Carrot red
Gemini horoscope
Love and relationships: You may feel a tad in the dumps and may take the frustration out on your partner.
Health: You may want to stay away from junk food lest you invite in gastric problems.
Work: You may feel caught up in responsibilities that you have no inclination to fulfill. Keep at it until your motivation and confidence returns.
Money: You need to hold off any major investment decisions today.
Favorable color: Gold
Cancer horoscope
Love and relationships: There might be a heightened sensitivity to personal issues but do not push for an immediate resolution. The lack of results does not mean you aren’t making progress.
Health: You may want to steer clear of fried foods or you may aggravate your stomach trouble.
Work: You may want to avoid the tendency to get wound over little problems.
Money: You may have a tiff with a business partner and face some financial troubles.
Favorable color: Sea blue
Leo horoscope
Love and relationships: For your own sake, it would be advisable to let things go lest your differences escalate into an irreparable wound.
Health: You need to take some time off and spend it in the company of nature.
Work: You may get fired up about a novel idea today- but take care to finish the projects you have at hand before you initiate something new.
Money: Be careful not to jump to any decision owing to a cash crunch.
Favorable color: Purple
Suggested read: What is your sexiest quality according to Zodiac?
Virgo horoscope
Love and relationships: You may tend to push aside emotions in order to take care of professional matters. This may not sit well with your partner.
Health: You need to amp up your workout regimen.
Work: You may feel you are reaching a dead end with your job and may want to seek out other alternatives.
Money: Be careful so as to not incur more debt.
Favorable color: Cobalt blue
Libra horoscope
Love and relationships: An important decision needs to be made regarding your relationship but you aren’t able to see things clearly.
Health: You need some downtime to reconnect with your emotional center. Yoga can help.
Work: You may be bombarded with too much information at work and may feel incapable of processing it.
Money: Shared assets may cause some concern.
Favorable color: Maroon
Scorpio horoscope
Love and relationships: You need to discern between feelings that arise out of your own insecurity and those that are unconditionally loving.
Health: You need to drink plenty of fluids to keep yourself hydrated.
Work: Oversensitivity to what’s being said about you around you may create some anxiety. Be careful to respond, and not react.
Money: You may want to think of new ways to bolster your savings.
Favorable color: Silver
Sagittarius horoscope
Love and relationships: You might want to tune out others to take better care of yourself. And that’s alright.
Health: You may want to take intermittent breaks from work to relax your mind.
Work: Today, you may do well to remember that being defensive does not solve anything.
Money: Think of new ways to rake in more cash.
Favorable color: Teal
Capricorn horoscope
Love and relationships: The problems that emerge in your personal realm can keep you from reaching any one definite resolution.
Health: You need to take care of your hygiene so as to prevent any infections.
Work: If you keep dividing your attention at work, you may end up doing things halfway.
Money: You may simply have to wait out your financial troubles.
Favorable color: Mustard
Aquarius horoscope
Love and relationships: Those things that you deem problems have no staying power- but you got to be patient to let them pass.
Health: You need to go for a quick jog in natural surroundings to clear your mind.
Work: This may be a good time for reviewing matters that you have been neglecting.
Money: Quiet contemplation may help you take care of a pressing matter.
Favorable color: Honey
Suggested read: This is how you will get over him, based on YOUR Zodiac sign
Pisces horoscope
Love and relationships: Second-guess things you hear today, so that you can dodge the things the rumor mills are churning.
Health: It is not a good time to take to a new fitness routine. Stick to tried and tested formulae.
Work: Something that you say (well-intentioned or no) may be misinterpreted now. And it is unlikely you will learn from it. Watch out.
Money: Money isn’t a cause for concern now- but you may still want to save more.
Favorable color: Brown
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