On the 12th of February, the almost-full moon will be entering the house of Virgo, which is a quiet sign. It will make you more efficient and reflective. No matter which sun sign you belong to, you will be looking at sustainability of your habits and your practices.
To make the most of today, read your daily love horoscope right here:
Suggested read: Here’s how you WISH to feel loved, based on your Zodiac sign
Aries horoscope
Love and relationships: You need to curb your enthusiasm, says the daily love horoscope. Tame your inner dissenter. The stars might leave you a little shaken and stirred.
Health: You need to go all in for a high intensity cardio workout today, if you want to achieve your fitness resolutions.
Work: Since there will be a provocative conflict between the moon, Jupiter and Uranus, you will be in the mood to take the blows graciously, at work.
Money: If you are feeling dissatisfied with the financial situation you are in, it is the right time to make changes.
Favorable color: Red
Taurus horoscope
Love and relationships: You are trying to keep the peace at home, but at a very heavy price. You need to make a tough call, today.
Health: Your sedentary lifestyle is ruining your health, Taurus, and if you don’t do something about it very soon, it might get too late. Turn on your workout mode NOW!
Work: You have to stay on your guard when it comes to manipulators, at work. And let me tell you, there are plenty of them in your closest circle.
Money: You might have to accommodate bad financial plans if you are not extra careful.
Favorable color: Turmeric
Gemini horoscope
Love and relationships: It will be hard for you to stay calm, today, if you partner tries to set you up to test your loyalty.
Health: There will be plenty of distractions that will keep you from working out the way you want to.
Work: Even if your boss is irrational, today, try not to retaliate. Go high when they go low, right?
Money: Your contacts will prove to be very beneficial, today, when it comes to money matters.
Favorable color: Ochre
Cancer horoscope
Love and relationships: There is fault in your stars, today, because of which romantic plans will not go the way you want them to. Try to play it by ear. For some, make up sex is on the cards.
Health: You need to work on your nutrition chart, today. You should try and include more seasonal fruits in it.
Work: You will be giving the pressing issues priority at work, today. That is sure to impress your seniors.
Money: Be prepared for some unforeseen expenditure to bother you today.
Favorable color: Bottle green
Leo horoscope
Love and relationships: The rebellious Uranus and reactive moon will clash today, because of which it will be tough for you to say what you actually mean. Misunderstandings might ruin the day for you.
Health: Try not to indulge in something that is off your diet chart, as it might cost you, terribly, later on.
Work: Today, do not make complicated plans at work, as none of them will pan out.
Money: This is a very good day for people who have a job interview. There are more chances of it being successful.
Favorable color: Tamarind
Suggested read: This is how you will find love this New Year, based on your Zodiac sign
Virgo horoscope
Love and relationships: Try not to be very critical of your partner today. They might not be in the mood for criticism.
Health: You have worked on your nutrition chart very well, and there is nothing wrong with it. The only problem is with implementation, and that’s in your hands.
Work: Be your authentic self at work, today, because that is your greatest asset. Remind yourself of that fact.
Money: Stop sulking about your previous bad financial decisions. Suck it up, and get back to work.
Favorable color: Violet
Libra horoscope
Love and relationship: Things won’t be as they seem, and so you should tread with caution. If a union is budding between you and your crush, pump the brakes on it, today.
Health: Choose meditation to get more clarity while taking decisions.
Work: Do not reveal everything too quickly to your colleagues. Stop assuming that everyone is cent percent reliable.
Money: Don’t try to hasten financial plans as that could only hamper the growth.
Favorable color: Orange
Scorpio horoscope
Love and relationships: You need to fix things on the love front, before it is too late.
Health: You need to pace your work better so that you can devote more time to your health.
Work: You love helping people with their problems, at work, but that has started to take a toll on your health. You need to give yourself a break.
Money: Today is not a very good day to invest in real estate.
Favorable color: Cobalt
Sagittarius horoscope
Love and relationships: The underlying dynamics of your relationship is losing its shine. You need to do something immediately if you want to save this one.
Health: You might want to engage in a group activity or sport, today, which will be very beneficial.
Work: You are a generous sign that loves giving. But too much of anything is not good, Sag! Try to focus on your career.
Money: You MUST tighten the grip on your wallet and stop recklessly spending every penny.
Favorable color: Lemon yellow
Capricorn horoscope
Love and relationships: You will have to make a very difficult choice, today, which will involve choosing between two people you love the most. Think it through.
Health: You are feeling really low, right now. Try to take a break from your mundane routine.
Work: Your decision-making has not been your strength at work. Try and keep a low profile and work on this skill, without letting anyone know.
Money: You need to be more patient with your finances. If you are unsure about anything related to monetary matters, try seeking help from an expert.
Favorable color: White
Aquarius horoscope
Love and relationships: You are living your love life like it is the ’50s! You need to spice things up. Write to us if you need some great ideas.
Health: Your hyperactive mind desperately needs some calm. Try some yoga postures and learn the right breathing techniques to reduce stress.
Work: Bite your tongue, at work, and keep your opinions to yourself. It will do you more good.
Money: If you are not alert, today, you might lose some cash or something of monetary value.
Favorable color: Elephant grey
Suggested read: This is what people secretly want to change about you, based on your Zodiac sign
Pisces horoscope
Love and relationships: Today is going to be quite hard for the single people out there. If you want to get noticed, you need to go all out.
Health: Since your cholesterol levels are far from what one would call healthy, stop binging on those fries!
Work: Things will be a little awkward with someone at work, today. Try to not make it obvious.
Money: If you want to go on the vacation you have planned for Spring, you need to stop donating it to people who are duping you!
Favorable color: Pink
That is all we have on your daily love horoscope for today. See you again tomorrow with all that the stars have in store for you.