Past problems in decision-making and communication are going to clear up today as the planets move into a more favorable position. However, it is important to not rush into making any decisions at the moment and hold out for the skewed thinking patterns to clear out. It is an ideal day to wait out than take any actions that may cause regret. Your need for independence and excitement tends to cross wires with a desire for intimacy and comfort- and you may feel torn between two ends. Avid rushing into any commitments or making sudden changes- as that may lead you down an erratic path of deceptive transition.
If you wish to learn how better to handle the changes brought in today, read your daily love horoscope here:
Suggested read: What you’d say when an ex wants to know how you’re dealing with breakup blues, based on your Zodiac
Aries horoscope
Love and relationships: You may learn about the limitations in your relationship today and rethink of the priorities in your respective lives. But be careful about the words you speak- as you cannot retract that which you utter!
Health: Sticking to your regular diet plan may hold you in good stead. Any changes made now might not be advantageous.
Work: It is an ideal time to draw out possibilities in the work place at the moment- as it may up your chances for a promotion or raise.
Money: It is not a favorable time for investments.
Favorable color: Purple
Taurus horoscope
Love and relationships: Bringing up the past in the present is only going to put your future in jeopardy. So, avoid digging up skeletons in the closet.
Health: You may feel extremely motivated to push your fitness regimen to the next level. The time for high-intensity full body workouts is here.
Work: A promotion seems to be in the offing- however, you need to be careful as a single misstep can upset the arrangement.
Money: Capitalize on all available opportunities to rake in more cash. Bolstering your income shall help you attain a fine balance between your expenditures and savings.
Favorable color: Sea green
Gemini horoscope
Love and relationships: If you have been dodging an important conversation with your significant other for a while, today might be the time to provide answers. Be straight and honest.
Health: Your energy levels are on an all-time low and you may wish to keep energy snacks handy.
Work: There are some pretty daunting tasks with rigid deadlines on the table and you may need to pull in the support of your team to deliver on time. Remember to keep your head about it.
Money: There can be a strong desire to take a crucial decision independently- but you’d best talk it out with your partner.
Favorable color: Turquoise
Cancer horoscope
Love and relationships: Brutal self-honesty is required to arrive at an important decision regarding your relationship. Remember to speak out with the same truthfulness.
Health: There is a good chance you shall work yourself to the point of exhaustion. Avoid overstretching yourself.
Work: You may arrive at a breakthrough of sorts by applying new and novel solutions to older, persistent problems.
Money: You may do well to be skeptical about any financial advice that comes your way today.
Favorable color: Black
Leo horoscope
Love and relationships: Resolving the conflicts that have been wreaking havoc on your love life may draw out more time and energy than you imagined. Remember to keep a healthy reserve of patience at hand.
Health: You may be troubled by a persistent headache. Avoid self-medication. The issue may require a checkup.
Work: Pushing the deadlines may be a good idea to wrap your head around more pressing matters- but remember, you will have to get back to the delayed projects later.
Money: A rearrangement of your finances can help you steady your ceaseless expense-stream.
Favorable color: Orange
Suggested read: Are you smart with money? We have the answers, based on your Zodiac
Virgo horoscope
Love and relationships: Unconditional support from your partner shall help you count your blessings in life. You shall be inclined to devote more time on the familial front to forge a deeper intimacy.
Health: The countless workout sessions are beginning to show results. Expect to receive some compliments today.
Work: Projects that require attention to detail and precision are going to fare well today. While there are numerous responsibilities vying for your attention, you may do well to focus on one thing at a time.
Money: Keeping a strict rein on your expenses shall hold you in good stead.
Favorable color: Pink
Libra horoscope
Love and relationships: You shall enjoy indulging an old hobby with your significant other. The time you spend together shall help to bring you closer.
Health: Your stomach may give you some trouble. Do not pop in medication without consulting a doctor, though.
Work: You will learn the importance of self-discipline and shall commit to a long-ignored project. You are drawing up efficient and improved plans now and are motivated to perform.
Money: Amping up your efforts at work is likely to reap in monetary benefits.
Favorable color: Sapphire
Scorpio horoscope
Love and relationships: Learning to adapt and compromise in relationships is crucial to sustaining a healthy bond. However, compromise doesn’t come easy to you, Scorpio and this may cause extra trouble today.
Health: Do not put yourself behind others, in the quest for selfless service. Remember to stick to your self-care routine.
Work: New projects are going to land in your lap- but make sure you gauge the requisites before signing up. You may also need the support of your entire team to be able to wrap the project- so remember, a smile and kind words never hurt anybody.
Money: Your savings deserve a fruitful scheme. Invest in a reliable venture.
Favorable color: Violet
Sagittarius horoscope
Love and relationships: Raw vulnerability is the only way you can create the intimacy you desire. Remember it is a give-and-take process.
Health: You may want to draw in professional help to revamp your current ineffective fitness regimen.
Work: You may feel unsupported at work and this may motivate you to strive harder and demand a little too much from yourself.
Money: This isn’t the time to spend like there’s no tomorrow. Hold the purse strings in place.
Favorable color: Indigo
Capricorn horoscope
Love and relationships: Clearing the air is important to resolving the problem you are faced with. If you fear that speaking up may compound your troubles, draw up a list of the damage silence can cause.
Health: Meditation can help you clear your head and see things from an alternate perspective.
Work: Multi-tasking can prove to be an especially beneficial skill to amp up your performance and earn yourself that coveted project.
Money: Avoid running dry as rainy days aren’t far off.
Favorable color: Dark green
Aquarius horoscope
Love and relationships: Misunderstanding have been playing hide-and-seek with your relationship for a while. It is time to sit down and have ‘the talk.’
Health: Shared fitness routines shall prove to be highly satisfying at the moment.
Work: This may not be an ideal time to switch. Give yourself the time to think through your actions. Actions always have consequences.
Money: Although it isn’t your favorite thing in the world, you may benefit from seeking advice from a peer or family member regarding an investment.
Favorable color: Cyan
Suggested read: The naked truth about why you pushed him away, based on your Zodiac
Pisces horoscope
Love and relationships: Anger isn’t a friend to relationships, Pisces. Tone down that anger or you may end up regretting your words.
Health: You may experience some breathing trouble. Avoid exposure to dust, pollution and/or other allergens.
Work: Deliberate moves and strategies are the call of the day and you may wish to draw out favors from the higher-ups in order to prove your competency through actions and practical support.
Money: You may experience a power struggle pertaining to finances with a close friend or family member.
Favorable color: Magenta
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