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9 Best Home Remedies For Severe Acid Reflux

Severe acid reflux is indicated by burning pain along the lower chest and acute heartburn caused by stomach acid that moves up along the esophagus, which connects the stomach to the throat. If you are suffering from the condition, then you are likely to notice that the pain gets worse when you lie down or try to bend over. Here are 9 home remedies for severe acid reflux, which will help you treat the painful condition, effectively.

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License 

Suggested read: 14 Effective Home Remedies That Help You Get Rid Of Acidity

Symptoms of severe acid reflux

Chronic acid reflux is called GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. The general symptoms associated with it, include:

  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • A sour taste in mouth
  • Sore throat
  • Dry cough
  • Chest pain

You need to treat the acid reflux immediately, or else, serious complications might develop, such as the Barrett’s esophagus or even esophageal cancer.

Causes of severe acid reflux

Causes of severe acid reflux is not yet known, but there are certain factors that can contribute to the disease. These factors include,

  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Certain foods
  • Genetics
  • Malfunctioning of the lower esophageal sphincter muscles
  • Stomach abnormalitieslike hiatal hernia
  • Certain medications

If your acid reflux is frequent (say twice or more in a week), then you need to opt for proper medical treatment. However, for those of you who experience mild symptoms, these natural treatments might cure the problem.

Home remedies for severe acid reflux 

Here are the best natural remedies for acid reflux.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License 

The first remedy on our list is the ever versatile apple cider vinegar. It is extremely effective in treating sever acid reflux, by easing digestion, and helping balance out the hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach.

For the remedy, begin by heating a cup of water. Now add a tablespoon and a half of natural, unfiltered apple cider vinegar to the cup of warm water. Drink this diluted solution of apple cider vinegar about half an hour before you eat a meal.

This remedy should be done on a regular basis, for a few months. You are likely to notice changes in a month’s time.

Also, when heartburn strikes, you can drink some diluted solution of apple cider vinegar to subside the pain.

2. Baking Soda

The next remedy is baking soda or sodium bicarbonate, which works as a natural antacid, providing instant relief from the acid reflux, especially the heart burn caused by the reflux.

For the remedy, take a cup of water, and to it, add one and a half teaspoons of baking soda. You need to drink this whenever heartburn strikes.

This is an instant relief; however, you should not ingest baking soda for a long time. Also, if you have hypertension, then you need to avoid this remedy, as baking soda contains sodium, which can wreak havoc on your blood pressure.

3. Aloe Vera Juice

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License 

Aloe vera juice is the next natural treatment on our list of remedies for sever acid reflux. It is great for GERD because it soothes inflammation in the stomach, quickly. As a result, it also brings relief to the esophagus which might feel a burning sensation because of the acid reflux.

For the remedy, you need to extract the juice of an aloe vera and drink it about half an hour before you eat a meal. You should not take too much of this juice, as it also works as a laxative.

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4. Licorice Root

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Image source: Pixabay under Creative Commons License 

The next remedy is licorice root which is an effective natural treatment for acid reflux because it heals digestive problems.

It also soothes the gut lining as well as the mucus membrane. This, in turn, reduces gastric inflammation. It also lowers the occurrences of gastric spasms.

For the remedy, you need to heat a cup of water, and to it, add half a teaspoon of licorice root powder. Boil the water. Now strain it and drink the tea about 30 minutes before every meal.

You need to repeat this remedy three times a week for a while

You can also take licorice capsules or chewable DGL before your meals. However, you need to consult your doctor for the correct supplements.

5. Yellow Mustard

The fifth treatment on our list is yellow mustard which helps against acid reflux by neutralizing the acid produced in the stomach. The mustard contains vinegar content, which weakens the acid and balances the pH level.

For the remedy, whenever you experience a heart burn, eat a teaspoon of plain yellow mustard to get some instant relief. You can follow it with a glass of water, in case it feels too stron.

6. Fennel

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License 

The next remedy on our list is fennel, which is beneficial for acid reflux. It enhances digestion and helps suppress stomach spasms. Fennel contains a anethole, a compound that clams the gastrointestinal tract and sooths the stomach.

Fennel is also anti-inflammatory, so it helps against heartburns too.

For the remedy, you can chew about half a teaspoon of fennels seeds after every meal.

You can also boil a teaspoon of the seeds in a cup of water, and then let it steep for about 10-odd minutes. Now strain the tea and drink it. You need to repeat this remedy at least three times a day for a week.

7. Slippery Elm

Slippery elm coats the esophagus and the stomach lining, owing to its demulcent properties. Also, it is an amazing anti-inflammatory agent that helps soothe heart burns, the number one synonym associated with acid reflux.

For the remedy, you need to heat two cups of water. Now add four to five teaspoons of powdered slippery elm to this hot water. Cover the container and let the elm steep for not more than 5 minutes. Drink the solution thrice a day, and you will notice improvements soon.

8. Marshmallow

Next treatment is marshmallow. This slippery elm helps calm the gastric juices, and balances the acid production in the stomach. As marshmallow is rich in mucilage, it safeguards the mucosal lining of both the stomach as well as the esophageal tube.

For the remedy, you need to add about five teaspoons of dried marshmallow roots to about four cups of water. Let it steep through the night, and next morning, strain out the herb and drink the tea.

You need to drink this a few times through the day until you see your condition has improved.

9. Cumin

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License 

The last remedy on today’s post is cumin seeds. These help cure acid reflux by improving digestion. The seeds reduce gas, acidity and other digestive issues.

For the treatment, you need to boil a cup of water, and while it’s boiling, add a teaspoon of cumin seeds. Now remove the container from the fire, and cover it. Let the seeds steeps for about 5-odd minutes, and then you need to strain the tea. Drink this tea several times through the day. You can drink it once in the morning, and then after every meal. Repeat it for at least a few days, and observe if you notice some improvements.

While cooking, you can add cumin seeds to your food.

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Additional tips for severe acid reflux

Here are some extra tips to help you prevent acid reflux.

  • Eat a few almonds after your meals to prevent acid reflux. You can also eat a red apple to prevent the GERD.
  • Include yogurt and other probiotic foods in your diet to stop occurrences of acid reflux.
  • Before bedtime, do not eat heavy meals. Never stuff yourself with food as it becomes difficult for your system to digest it, which produces acid in the stomach that goes up the esophagus to the throat. So, the remedy is simple: Avoid heavy meals.
  • If you are obese, then you need to exercise and get fitter to prevent acid reflux.
  • When it comes to treating any condition, the first step is to determine what’s triggering it. So, find out what is causing your acid reflux; is it too much coffee, or smoking or alcohol abuse, or obesity, or carbonated drinks, or eating too much chocolate, or citrus fruits, or onions, or garlic or fried foods. Once you’ve identified the factor that is causing the reflux, you need to avoid it for a couple of months and observe if the reflux has stopped or not.
  • To stop the acid reflux from causing heartburns when you are asleep, elevate the head of your bed by at least 4 inches. Also, you should lie down on your left side, because, studies suggest that when one sleeps on their right side, reflux problems are aggravated.

If despite these remedies or tips your chronic acid reflux does not get cured, then you need to visit your doctor immediately.

That is all we have on today’s post on home remedies for severe acid reflux. Was this helpful? Will you be recommending it to others? If you have some remedies that you would like to share with us, then please do so in the comment section below.

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Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License 

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9 Best Home Remedies For Severe Acid Reflux
Here are 9 home remedies for severe acid reflux, which will help you treat the painful condition, effectively.
Ruth Russell

Ruth Russell

‘To be or not to be’ if that’s the question, I would always want to be who I am – a lover, who binges on ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ every Christmas; that is, if she decides not to wallow in bed with ‘Wuthering Heights’! The other thing that I absolutely love is weddings! Well, who doesn’t like being in a room full of love stories, eh?!