Scorpio men are such jerks!
If this is your opinion about the most misunderstood sun sign, you have been tricked too… or maybe Scorpio men are just out of your league! It’s like Wi-Fi. When your neighbor gets it while you are just a little out of reach of the signals, you pout and think, “Who needs Wi-Fi?!” And just like Wifi, the problem with connecting to a Scorpio is that you don’t know how he works; you don’t know his password, so to speak.
First off, a Scorpio man in love is a sensitive mush ball. He can be impatient and hard yet still deep and madly passionate! So from one moment to another, he will keep you guessing about what he is really like at his core (and yes, you naughty one, he is amazing at that core too!).
Suggested read: 8 things you MUST know about loving a Virgo man
Whether Bonnie and Clyde or Brangelina, a Scorpio man in love wants his relationship to be an epic love story, something that can be put up on the Hall of Fame! Do you want to know what his Nirvana is? It is one where he is the emperor, you are his queen and as a couple you guys are the envy of the whole world!
If you are dating a Scorpio man already (Hallelujah!) or struggling to hold one prey, this is your guide to success!
1. “Monster-in-law!”
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Behind every successful man is a woman! But when it comes to a Scorpio man and his relationship scene, look to his Mommy! He shares a difficult and complex relationship with his mother; it is more of a love/hate kind of a situation actually! What has this got to do with you? Everything! This bond that he and his Ma share may border on Oedipal! Clipping the umbilical cord is not a breezy decision for him. This may make him a commitment phobe and tricky to read! He has a fear that all women are out there to “consume” him, though he continuously creates circumstances where he needs a mother! You have to tolerate the “I want you here now!” and “Go away” drama for some time until he is sure that you are not seeking to control him!
2. Secrets of the masons!
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Drawing a Scorpio man’s attention towards you is simple: do not doll up provocatively! Like I told you, he loves mysteries! So revealing too much about you, mentally and physically, will repel rather than attract him! You have to somehow express your interest in an extensive range of issues, indicating your curiosity in the secrets of the world. Once you have cracked the jackpot and have begun dating the Charmer, always keep him on his toes! He’s like a child that gets bored really quick, so must always be kept guessing. Feed him bits of info about yourself. An enigma is what he enjoys most!
3. On ‘top’ of the world
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For a Scorpio man in love, only the best is acceptable. The best cuisine, the best white wine… the best of every damn thing! So if Mr. Mystery has chosen you, you too are one-of-a-kind, baby!
Scorpio men do nothing casually. If you both have gone out on a shopping spree (which will rarely happen!), he will try to gather information about each and every article that the two of you have laid eyes on! Suppose you guys are buying a wardrobe. He will want to know where the wood’s from, how it was carved and by whom. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, to say the least! He is only trying to know if he is making a good investment or not, that’s it! They are his hard-earned dollar bills, and as such he can’t throw them into a gutter! Following this logic, he must have put a private investigator after you in your initial dating days!
4. The apostrophe!
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In keeping with his tantrums, the Scorpio man in love is possessive to the brim! Once it is a “yes”, you are expected to honor it in word and spirit, forever! Unlike Librans in love, he does not view things with self-control. If you expect your Scorpio man in love to understand, let alone approve, your ‘keeping up with each other’ coffee date with an ex, you have lost it completely! For a Scorpio man, you must belong to him entirely and have nothing to do with the exes, or stop wasting his time! This selfishness in a Scorpio man could be considered a huge hurdle in the relationship. Before you let this swoon-worthy hot guy into your life, question yourself if you can handle this issue of being possessive!
Suggested read: 8 things you NEED to know about loving a Libra man
5. The bumpy road ahead!
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The Scorpio is a sign that represents death and revival, the mythological Phoenix rising from its ashes of death! Thus, on your dating journey with the Scorpio guy, there will be a lot of highs and lows! There will be break ups and make ups en route to complete commitment. Even though these phases will harass and upset the two of you, a Scorpio man in love holds these blistering emotional trials as a Catharsis – a purification ritual! He believes the more the relationship survives the chaos, the more “real” and “true” the connection, Hardcore Damon Salvatore? You bet, lady!
6. “Will you still love me when I’m no longer Young and Beautiful?”
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Yes, I will. I’m sorry if I make you my everything. I know not how to love in halves!
For a Scorpio man in love, love is an “everything or nothing” experience. There are no in-betweens or half-hearted measures. When courting the girl of his dreams, his soul mate, he will always give his all! So if you have coupled up with a Scorpio man, brace yourself to be completely mesmerized, or ‘swept off your feet’ as the cliché goes! He will go to any length to ensure that you have the best time of your life for all your life! He will shower you with the most amazing gifts and more than all of that, he will bowl you over each day with the intensity and passion of his emotions. To him, love is a burning, blood-red passion. He will give you the world! Haven’t you watched Titanic, The Great Gatsby, and Inception? There was reason why Leonardo Di Caprio was signed for these movies. He is a Scorpio!
7. The dominant ‘Genie’!
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A Scorpio man in love tries to have a firm hold and control over the relationship. He is dominating in every sphere of life and rightfully so, as he is the best! This is intrinsic to him. He thinks he can even control his destiny. He lives his life king size, on his own terms! There is a fearsome beauty in a Scorpio man; he is not dependent on anyone or on any situation, he is bold and he is extremely ambitious. When dating a Scorpio man, don’t try to get in his way. He should be allowed to do what he thinks is right. He is a self-made champ and has rarely felt the pain of a setback. Don’t disturb him and he will build you a royal palace and treat you like his queen!
8. Sex on fire!
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A Scorpio is the king amongst sun signs when it comes to sex! His personality and magnetic charisma triggers sparks if not explosions in the bedroom! He is impossible to avoid and threateningly sexy! His sense of intuition and his passion make him a perfect ‘lover’ and yes, I am referring to the verb form of ‘love’! A mystery in between the sheets, a Scorpio man in love can draw many women into his den! And yes, they aren’t let down by what they experience! A Scorpio wants to experiment; he wants to do it all! Adventurous and forceful in bed; if you want it safe, he isn’t your man!
Suggested read: 8 things you SHOULD know about loving a Leo man
Scorpio men in love relish emotions and, in more ways than one, are the most soulful people among all zodiacs. Although only a few would admit vocally, most of these men enjoy emotional intensity, which is both a good and bad thing. They have a huge inner strength to deal with whatever they may discover in their partner, and yes, they will discover everything sooner than later! Most Scorpio men choose a quarrel with the mate over being ignored. They believe that hatred is not the opposite of love, but instead apathy is. So never be indifferent to your Scorpio to seek attention. He will only move farther away from you.
If you now feel that he will dominate or suffocate you in the relationship, let me assure you that this is not the case! The biggest challenge for a Scorpio man in love is that he cares way too much and loves quite the same way! This might become frustrating for you too. If you can handle too much attention and respond accordingly, then you have my blessings! Happy dating!
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