“For me, it was not about that one meeting. It was about all those late night chats and days that I spent knowing him, leading to that one meeting. For him, I was just a profile. For me, he meant a lot – he meant the whole damn world!”
As I heard one of my best friends saying those words, I had to question myself if we are really utilizing various dating apps the right way? Dating app addiction has taken us in for worse, letting us be a colder version of ourselves. Everyone takes dating in a different way, and what is casual for you, can be serious for someone else.
If you would like to move ahead of dating app addiction, then read on and know that there is more to life than swiping someone’s profile right or left.
1. Do you even want this?
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Even before you install the app, ask yourself this million dollar question. You might not need a dating app at all! Don’t use them just because everyone else is doing the same or because your friends think that you should go out and explore the dating game. If you don’t want to date, then there is no point in having an app like that on your phone.
Suggested read: Reasons why online dating will never fetch us lasting love
2. Real people = Real feelings
You might be holding your phone while using the app, but you should understand that there are real people (just like yourself) behind those profiles. Remember all those times when you were hurt or sad after a rejection. You might have caused the same to someone else. It’s a dating app – it’s meant to join hearts and not break. You would certainly start using the app in a limited manner, after knowing the damage our words can do sometimes.
3. A “hello” can lead to a lot
Before you send them that first text message, you should understand that a single “hello” can change your life. It can mean a lot to someone, and for a few, it can mean nothing at all. Initiate the conversation only if you like to take things ahead. Don’t use the app just because you are getting bored and have nothing else to do.
4. Set limits
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Dating apps can get addicted and in order to make sure that you are not over-investing your time in them, you should start by limiting your usage. Make sure that you use the app twice (or even once) a day. Deal it just the way you would have dealt any other kind of addiction – by decreasing its usage and then moving ahead to something more productive.
5. The excitement of blind dates
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
While you are busy browsing all those profiles, you could have been out there on an actual date. Remember the excitement of meeting someone for the first time, not knowing a thing about them? No app can replace that feeling, my friend.
Suggested read: 12 tips that will help you crack the online dating world
6. They are not “hook-up” apps
Because the dating app you are using is not your Uber for sex. No. You are not getting laid with an app because you want to make that long weekend worthwhile. People might be there because of different reasons, but it’s not your duty to judge them. Move over the fact that you can use the app to get laid and your addiction would be gone in a day.
7. Go offline
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
This is as simple as it sounds. Instead of trying to find your match through an app, why don’t you go out and meet people? Have a cup of coffee with that girl whom you always wanted to ask out, or let a cute guy buy you a drink. There is no thrill in starting your relationship after hand-picking a profile out of an online heap. Everyone can do that! The real game is to go out and gradually see a stranger becoming your whole life.
Featured image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License