If you are looking for Mr. Right, then here are five types of guys you might want to give a miss this season!
Face it! It is a human need to search for that special someone, that person who stands out in the crowd for you, the one who sets your heart racing, and all the responses that occur when you know he is the one for you. Yes, we do know that Valentine’s Day is right round the corner and if you haven’t already hooked up, here’s wishing you all the best! And for those who already have, happy going!
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However, in our rush to get with someone, many of us rush into a relationship and realize a little later that they are NOT the one! It happens far more regularly than you think! So here’s a relationship ready reckoner on the types NOT to choose, and no, we are not talking of any age group, ladies. This is for anyone who is looking for their partner. So here goes:
1. The I-am-so-busy-being-me-I-forgot-to-smile-and-therefore-brood type
Image source: Shutterstock
If the guy you have zeroed in is the expressionless, non-smiling, definitely no PDA (he makes that very clear right at the start) sulking types, you could end up doing all the talking, making–up, cheering up – in short, the active one in the relationship. Angry at the whole world and himself, he is so self-absorbed in the wrongs that the whole world has done him, that he almost expects you to set it right for him! Do not end up mistaking this for the strong silent type. These guys are nothing like that by any stretch of the imagination. These guys simply remain poker-faced, play the eternal victim, and even make you feel guilty for being so cheerful and bubbly. He will not invest anything into the relationship and expect you to do all the work… if you think he is going to change with your love or demeanor, it ain’t happening – ever! Decide if you want to put in all the effort in a relationship and be with a wooden cupboard.
2. The I-am-not-really-into-you-but-can’t-say-no type
For him, it was over with you pretty much after he reluctantly came with you on your second date. You have to call him, you have to message him, you have to arrange outings, when he deigns to show up…late! These types of guys don’t like to be tied down and like to keep their options open. The fact is, he will even continue with you for a long time even whilst dating someone else, simply because he lacks the courage to either walk away from you or say it is over! Do you seriously want to be one of the many options for this type?
3. The excuse-me-but-I-fell-in-love-with-my-cellphone-and-it-is-all-I-need type
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
So, here’s the thing about these guys. They simply love their cellphones much more than talking with/to you! If he looks at his cellphone more often than he does you… well! He will take every call he receives, even the ones offering loans! Every reply to every message that goes ping on his phone must be answered immediately, or he is simply browsing the net all the while when you are seated right there! Seriously?! If you are still there seated beside him, you really need to rework your self-esteem, because he isn’t working on his social skills for sure. Chances are, if you decide to walk away, he wouldn’t even notice that you are gone!
4. The I-fell-in-love-with-myself-and-wow-do-I-like-what-I-see type
Let’s call him the preener. His hair, his clothes, his shoes, etc., will take precedence over yours. He just has to check himself in every shiny surface, even the spoon in the restaurant, often to see if he is looking good, right in front of you! He is so busy thanking you at the compliments (which he expects from you by the way!) you are giving him that he conveniently forgets to return them …ever! If you decide to stick with this type of guy, chances are you will end up on more shopping sprees for him rather than you! And by the way, even maybe spending for him as well…!
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5. The I-love-you-but-isn’t-that-the-same-thing-as-control-you type
Image source: Shutterstock
If you love me you will come; if you really love me you will stop seeing those people you call friends; if you love me you won’t wear that thing you actually call a dress.; and the list is endless. These guys believe that controlling their partners is love, actually! Sending a zillion soppy messages disguised as interrogation as to where you are and with whom, is, according to them, true love! Ladies, here’s the thing with these guys, they actually get worse with time and can’t understand why you won’t understand them. And yes, for those of you who still didn’t get it – this is NOT love – in any shape or form!
There are plenty of other categories out there, but you know what, let’s not get pessimistic. This is not the end of the world. Trust us, there are plenty of adorable ‘keeper’ guys out there, really supportive, kind-hearted, sensitive, and just plain nice guys you want to keep! They are out there, so ladies, keep your antennas sharp.
Here’s wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day!
Featured image source: Shutterstock