It is true – time flies and before you know it you are in your mid-twenties, stuck at a dead end job with no sense of direction. Sound familiar?
Welcome to the club, my friend – you are going through something we call a quarter life crisis.
Still not sure? Do you have any of these thoughts now and again?
- I’ll go out this Saturday. (Spends the day in bed instead)
- Is this really life? Is that all? (Continues watching TV)
- I need a vacation. (Plans extensively for 2 days and realizes that I am broke AF)
- I am so tired. (Goes to work anyway)
Image source: Tumblr
- Kill me NOW.
- No, I do not want more alcohol. (Buys 2 bottles of wine).
- I want to buy a mini dress. (Am I too old for it?!)
- If I have to attend anymore weddings, I will kill myself.
- I wish I had more friends. (Never calls anyone back).
- I love my job. (Goes on to sabotage it so they fire me)
- I should eat less, I spend a lot of money. (Goes out to eat 4 times a week).
- Pizza is healthy, right? What, there are lots of veggies on there!
Image source: Tumblr
Suggested read: Thoughts every girl has when her boyfriend makes her angry
- I need to exercise. (Falls asleep for 2 hours).
- I am going to quit my job ASAP. (Continues coz I am poor).
- I must pray. (Watches Netflix forever).
- I am failing at life.
- I don’t feel productive at all. (Sleeps for the next 8 hours in the middle of the day).
- If I get married, I’ll be fine. (Fights with boyfriend and doesn’t bother to make up).
Image source: themoderntryst
- God, if only people stopped getting married! (Calls best friend and asks her to break off her engagement).
- I must stop spending so much time on the Internet. (Spends the night surfing memes on Facebook).
- Why is everyone around me so happy?!
- Oh no, I’ll be late for work. (Continues doing things in the same pace)
- I don’t want to cook. Or eat. Or work. I just want to sleep.
Image source: Giphy
- Let me just see how my ex is doing… (Ends up stalking 4 exes and their current spouses/partners on Facebook).
- At least my cat loves me. (Cat hisses from the corner).
- I am SO sure all I need is a road trip. (Never goes).
- Maybe I need some more pizza.
- Should I crash at my parents’ today? I don’t want to be alone…
Image source: newsindiaonline
- I need Jesus.
- *cries*
Quarter life crisis it is. We’ve all been there. Don’t freak out, you’ll be OKAY!
Featured image source: writtalin