Hailing a cab for you and actually holding the door while you enter? That’s old news, woman! But fear not. Chivalry today is not dead – just, a lot different!
Note: Brace yourself for a truckload of sarcasm!
Here’s what modern chivalry looks like…
- OMG! He actually makes the effort of picking his phone and dialing back, instead of simply texting! Hasn’t his mom raised him into a perfect gentleman?! What courage!
Image source: Giphy
- Aww! He deleted his Tinder account? So he is giving up on all the booty that’s only a swipe away, just for you!
- He buys you a bottle of fenny before fondling your boobs!
- He does not give in to the temptation of expressing his feelings quickly through grammatically incorrect texts. Commas, full stops, and even semi-colons, he uses them all! He is a keeper!
Image source: Giphy
- He could have easily shared the lunch with two sangrias included, Chinese and specials excluded, offer valid on all days except Sunday, with anyone, but you are the one he chose!
- He sends you a d!ck picture and asks for nothing in return? Please marry him!
- He doesn’t get wasted on the first date. He surely wants to build something solid!
- When you say you want to hit the floor, he lets you pound on him and only grabs your a**!
Image source: Giphy
- When you post a status about a pay hike at work, he shares your status. Now that’s a chivalrous man who supports his woman’s independence!
- He never EVER posts passive-aggressive tweets about the arguments you both have. That self-restraint is mind-blowing, man! #BrowniePoints!
Image source: Giphy
- He just stalked you on Facebook to find out about your favourite books and the foods you are allergic to! How cute is that!
Image source: Giphy
- He just Instagrammed a photo of the two of you and captioned it “Some random girl at the pub!”
- He carries a mouth wash and actually uses it whenever he goes down on you!
- He stands up for you… on FB! When someone bullies you on social media, the comment section just keeps growing. The tension is intense! He has made it very clear that he will not allow people to insult you like that!
- He stands on the corner of the street and hails you a cab… I mean, clicks a button, but the intention is the same!
Image source: Giphy
Suggested read: 9 things all boyfriends are doing instead of paying attention
- He introduces you to his gang as “Remember the girl I was telling you about?” just so that you know he talks about you!
- C’mon! He didn’t say ‘friend’!
- Banana-flavored condoms… c’mon he stalked you on FB. He figured what you like!
Image source: Giphy
- And ribbed ones just for your pleasure!
- He accepts your offer to go Dutch only for parity!
Image source: Giphy
- He asks you important questions because he wants to know you better!
- “What’s the size of your bra?’
- “Where do you want me to shower my fountain?” See he actually asked you for your opinion!
- He even gets you a towel to wipe yourself!
- He might even do it for you!
Image source: Giphy
- He doesn’t mind when you occasionally hum to it coz it’s giving you more pleasure than he ever will!
- He gives you a grace period of three days before he asks for a nude pic!
- He gives back the thong you forgot at his apartment rather than keeping it as some debauched trophy!
- He lets you pick the song that you want in the background while making out!
- “Do you like the butt stuff?” He confirms before barging the thing in! It’s like knocking on the door before entering!
Now it’s your turn to ‘be a lady’ and embrace the change!
Featured image source: Someecards