Big on culture (have you ever been to Rajasthan?) and paise ke pakke, Marwaris are a cute bunch. Until you get the real lowdown on the things that inevitably happen when you are dating one:
1. You aren’t a non-vegetarian?!
Image source: Tumblr
2. Money, money, and more money. We have loads of it. But lol, go away, you ain’t getting any.
Image source: rebloggy
3. We will always talk. We love talking. You will have no privacy.
Image source: sharegif
4. We go to the theatre for every Rajshri movie ever. Prem Ratan Dhan Payo, anyone?
Image source: Giphy
5. Mirchi ke pakode, anyone?
6. Your life will never be dull. Have you seen the sparkle on our dresses?
Image source: Pinterest
7. We will never overspend. We will underspend. If that’s a word.
Image source: gamesradar
8. If we buy you jewelry, it is an investment. If it looks good on you, bonus!
Image source: hexjam
9. If you want to impress our mother, learn to cook daal baati.
Image source: reactiongifs
10. Pot bellies are hot, ok?
11. You can stop eating two days prior to a Marwari wedding. You’ll need the tummy space.
Image source: Tumblr
12. Kabhi kisi cheez ki kami nahi hogi. We buy everything in wholesale.
Image source: motherhoodandmuffintops
13. We have a lot of knowledge about politics. We need to know our stuff to argue properly, no?
14. If you don’t like our food, you can order food from outside. We’ll eat that too after we are done eating ghar ka khana.
15. If we get married, waltz in the room with casual clothes on and no one will bat an eyelid. You will not get a lot of attention. We will b*tch about it later!
Image source: myprettypennies
16. You will always be updated on the daily happenings in the neighbor’s house, and the neighbor’s in-laws’ house.
Image source: respectwomen
Suggested read: 7 types of creepy guys you bump into when you least expect it
17. We make perfectly round rotis. According to our mothers, who would marry us otherwise?
Image source: hatkeshaadi
18. Our women are independent. Mostly because they are born female and hence are a major disappointment to the parents.
19. ‘Job karte ho? Entrepreneur ban jao, acha paisa hai!’
20. Forget about being thin. One more ghee wala paratha?
Image source: cosmopolitan
21. Vacations will be dreamy. To the magical land of Rajasthan. Every single year.
Image source: Giphy
22. We will never let you go bankrupt. We have a secret piggy bank
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23. We are big on hospitality. As long as we are not asked to pay.
Image source: imgur
24. We are cleanliness freaks too. So that you come home to a clean house.
25. Perfect if you don’t want a relationship to end in marriage. Dating is ok, but sorry we can’t marry you. Mummy-daddy nahi manenge. Shaadi toh Marwari se hi!
So consider yourself lucky if you ever have a Marwari SO and learn to go with it. You can’t do anything much other than that anyway!
Featured image source: kappit