We have all had those times when we’ve considered giving up on dating and taking up celibacy.
Relate much?
1. After that awful date that made you feel physically sick that you had to actually bolt out.
Him: Do you like cooking?
Me: Yes, why?
Him: Like karo, na karo, karna toh hai hi! *wink, wink*
*throws up*
Image source: Tumblr
2. When that awesome and amazing person you come across on Tinder is a Grade A creep in real life.
Me: This is a nice restaurant. I like the food here.
Him: *staring at boobs* I like them too.
Image source: imgur
Suggested read: 20 awesome ways to dodge your parents’ never-ending questions
3. When you think you hit it off with someone, only to know that they are only flirting with you to get to your friend.
Him: Hey *winks*
Me: Hi, want to get a drink sometime?
Him: Um, I am busy. But, hey, can I get your friend’s number though?
*cries internally*
Image source: Giphy
4. When your favorite couple calls it quits. (Read Nina + Ian Somerhalder)
I mean, if they can’t work it out, what is the point of us mere mortals even trying?
*sobs quietly*
Image source: gifsec
5. When that girl you hated in school is happily married and has two kids with a hot guy.
And you are just like, f**k my life.
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6. When the last date you had was set up by your mom.
Image source: Tumblr
7. When you give up on guys and decide to buy a vibrator.
Yay for eBay! *wink*
Why do I need a guy, exactly? *brrrrrrR*
Image source: Tumblr
8. When you get ready with a lot of enthusiasm (and even put on your false lashes) and the guy turns out to be a douchebag.
Me: I would like a penne pasta arabiatta.
Him: Did I ask you?
What is the point of even trying anymore?
Image source: Tumblr
9. When every time you open your Tinder inbox, it is flooded with d*ck pics.
Image source: Tumblr
10. When the last time you had sex = the worst sex.
Him: First again! *proudly*
Me: …..
And you think of the amazing sex you had a year ago. Which doesn’t help.
Image source: collegecandy
11. When the hot guy you wanted to date finally asks you out.
Him: Hey, want to go for a movie?
Me: *turns to mush* YES!
And as it turns out, he is married!
Image source: Giphy
12. When the date you went on last week was sooooo amazing, but the guy never calls you back.
*curses Cupid*
Image source: Tumblr
13. When you take a trip so good that you don’t feel the need for a relationship anymore.
Who needs romance when you got best friends, eh?
Image source: Giphy
14. When you are lying in your pyjamas, watching television with a date to go to in an hour.
And you are thinking, “What’s the point? Screw it!*
Phone rings: *Ignored*
WhatsApp message: ‘Hey baby, you coming?’ *ignored*
And continue lying in bed!
Image source: Tumblr
15. When people keep giving you crappy advice about dating.
‘Just give him a chance’
‘Why don’t you go on a date with my cousin?’
Me: Why don’t you kill yourself?
Image source: Giphy
16. When you are on a date with a perfectly nice guy and don’t know how to act.
Him: *makes an intelligent joke*
Me: “I like potato salad”
*stabs self with fork*
Image source: Tumblr
17. When the guy who everyone thinks is hot asks you out.
But you don’t feel attracted to him one bit.
Him: I really like you.
Me: OK cool, see you!
What the actual f*ck, God?
Image source: gifsec
18. When you connect so much on Tinder, but neither of you asks the other on a date.
Him: So now what?
Me: Nothing really…
Him: Bye.
Image source: Giphy
Suggested read: Top 12 ways parents continue to embarrass their kids
19. When you go on a date after a long time with the intention of only having sex.
Me: So… you want to come over?
Him: Not really. Good night
…But even that doesn’t happen. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?!
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20. When all you friends are getting married, and you are always the one to go without a date.
Everyone: Aw, poor you.
That’s right, people, that’s right.
Image source: Tumblr
We’ve all been there, sistas! So fret not and brave these hard times coz the right guy is just around the corner, I am sure! (Or I could be lying, you’ll never know!)
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