You know what’s between reciprocated love and unrequited love? Secret love. Ugh. This is, like, the worst kind there is. Let me explain.
In the former, your love is reciprocated by the one you love, and it’s mostly all hunky dory. In the latter, your love remains unreturned for the person you love doesn’t feel the same way about you. Ouch, but no problem, because then you know for sure that it’s not going to happen, allowing you to grieve the loss and then move on. But the problem is when you’re nursing a secret love, that the object of your affection knows nothing about or you’re afraid to tell them you love them. Secret love is not always painful, but it’s not sunshine and rainbows either.
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So if you’re nursing a heart full of love or heartache, these secret love quotes will soothe your heart.
1. “I have so much that I want to say to you, but I can’t say a word.” – Michelle Burns
Whenever I’m near you, the words just dry up.
2. “I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul.” – Pablo Neruda
What’s between the shadow and the soul? Your heart filled with love.
3. “I love you with all my life, but it’s not like you will ever know.” – Amber Hope
I just can’t bring myself to spill my guts to you. I just can’t…
4. “If you love someone, tell them. For hearts are often broken by words left unspoken.” – Stephanie Roogle
Oh, if only it were that easy!
5. “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” – Maya Angelou
It resides in the center of your heart, begging to be let out, but alas, it takes great courage to spill it through your lips.
6. “Just a friend, that’s all I’ve ever been to you. Just a girl who wants to be the center of your world.” – Jojo
Reminds you of that scene from the movie Notting Hill where Anna is telling William that she love him, because she’s also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.
7. “I don’t know why I get so protective and jealous over you when you’re not even mine.” – Amarjeet Das
Feeling like you have to look out for them, your secret love, is almost natural. It’s only second to your nature.
8. “Hard to sit here and be close to you, and not kiss you.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
A lesson in holding back when you’re nursing a secret love.
9. “He is stronger than anyone I know, and warmer than anyone realizes; he is a secret that I have kept and will keep for the rest of my life.” – Trist Allegiant
When you know your secret love doesn’t have a happy ending.
10. “He wanted her. She’d never tell. Secretly she wanted him as well.” – Avril Lavigne
The eternal heartache of ‘what ifs.’
11. “The extreme form of passionate love is secret love.” – Japanese Proverb
Of course it is. You’re the only one who’s experiencing this ‘passionate love.’ Shouldn’t be too hard, eh?
12. “In the bottom of my heart lies a secret which I have never told a soul in the world. There is an image of this person who is dearest to me and closer than anything else.” – Melanie Rock
Ah! The agony of suffering of alone!
13. “We’ve all at some point in our life encountered that feeling of secretly liking someone, secretly having your eyes on them, secretly wishing they knew, but deep inside you were afraid of what the outcome would be. So you kept it unnoticed. Kept it hidden, locked inside, just hoping that maybe one day that moment would finally come when they would notice you!” – Telisa McLaughlin
Alas, this moment might never come if you don’t open your mouth!
14. “Love never grows when it’s secretly kept locked in our hearts. Love will only find its fulfillment when it finds its way out and dwells in the heart of that person destined to keep it.” – Unknown
Easier said than done, eh?
15. “I pretend to look around, but I was actually looking at you.” – Unknown
Secret love, after all, happens secretly, no?
16. “To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.” – Federico Garcia Lorca
Truer words were never spoken!
17. “I’ll be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake.” – Fall Out Boy
Could there be a sadder state to find yourself in?
18. “There is a name hidden in the shadow of my soul, where I read it night and day and no other eye sees it.” – Alphonse De Lamartine
Such is the life of a person nursing secret love. There couldn’t be any more secret love quotes than this one.
19. “I want him to see the flowers in my eyes and hear the songs in my hands.” – Francesca Lia Block
Alas, that’s not going to happen unless you fess up.
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20. “I was falling for you, while you were falling for her.” – Karina Barton
There aren’t words for this agony.
These secret love quotes are meant to touch your heart, as well as urge you to go all out and express how you feel. Come what may, face it. What’s the worst that could happen? They might not reciprocate your feelings? So what? At least you’d have the satisfaction of having given it a shot. But what if they return your feelings too? Wouldn’t that be the ideal situation? So take heart from Lord Tennyson’s words, muster your courage and tell them how you feel, because ’tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Good luck!