Not everyone is born a VS angel. But that is no reason to hate the body God put you in, is it? I mean- yes, we all have our #FitnessGoals and God knows we meticulously plan them for the last two days of every year, toss them aside for the New Year’s party, remember them after the hangover wears off and sincerely try to follow them for the next two, or even three days in succession.
But let’s admit it, we are all humans and we are unlikely to be able to complete a Sisyphian task like the one we set for ourselves. Something’s gotta give, eh? But there are some people in our lives who never let us ‘move on.’ You know who I am talking of? Those pesky buggers of human flesh who walk about telling you to shed some pounds of ‘awesome’ you keep tugging along on yourself! Well- it is time you took their case.
Next time they bug you with questions about your diet, just recall these awesome quotes and throw it back in their face with a quintessential ‘s*ck it’ smile- maybe some mayo from the burger you are having too! Just for fun…
1. E. X.A.C.T.L.Y
2. There’s some advice. I’ll take it.
3. Been there. Done that, my friend! #Solidarity
4. Are you reading my thoughts?
5. Pretty much.
6. #NakedTruth
7. Duh uh- obviously!
8. Coz all work and no play makes me hungry. #JustSaying
9. True story.
10. You can’t refute the logic.
Suggested read: I will NOT go on a wedding diet – I like the way I look
11. A.C.T
12. If only these were a thing…
13. That’s my story and I am stickin’ to it…
14. Just coz I am THAT efficient.. #MadPropsToMyModesty
15. What a smart solution…
16. And that’s the most honest breakup ever. Sorry.
17. I feel you, sista…
18. Without CONSENT! :O
19. Ladies, agree?
20. And End Of Story.
Are you smiling, lovelies? Well, that was the goal! #HappyEating #YouAreBeautifulAsYouAre