So your #TBTs are only pictures of you with your BFF who’s far away? And your Facetime is exclusively for them and nobody is privy to that? You have also devised a way of watching flicks together by syncing the start time? Heart-wrenching, eh? We feel you, babe! Here’s a list of 19 squirms that only long distance BFFs can understand!
1. Coordinating your talk-time!
Image source: Pinterest
They are the only person who will reply to every text that you send! And emails, fax, ravens! Whatever communication mode we’ve invented so far!
P.S.: They are also the only ones who call back when they’ve missed your call! Well, moms too, but that is if they realize they’ve missed it!!!
2. They hate the person you hate without even knowing how the b*st*rd looks!
And love those who love you!
Suggested read: 11 struggles every girl with zero female friends will understand
3. Though they may avoid to admit that there’s a tiny tweak on their heart when they see your FB posts with new friends.
Image source: Pinterest
4. They are the only people whose approval stamp matters when it comes to your new catch!
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When they visit, no matter how limited your time together, you make sure that your significant other is introduced so that your BFF can give you an honest breakdown of whether it’s going to work!
5. If some people even try to hint at an idea like you guys will grow apart since you’ve lived far away for so long, you will end them!
Don’t you get the last F, you f*cker!
6. That moment when you reunite! No orgasm could beat that!
Image source: gifsoup
“I am so happy to see you that I could very well murder you!”
7. When the world’s trying to cut your wings down, you have a reverie about your knight in shining armour saving you from them. Your BFF, of course!
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Only if they weren’t 500 miles away!
8. The texting expectancy though, when you guys are about to reunite! That’s so damn real!
Second-by-second updates with an emoji-binge or just ALL-CAPS TEXT!
9. You have an ever-snowballing list of places to visit once they are in town!
You actually fantasize about the conversations you will have! And you won’t stopover at the place with someone else to avoid unsettling the purity of your fantasies!
10. You both have multiple chats at the same time on different platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Hike, and Viber…
Image source: Giphy
11. You know accurately how many miles separate the two of you!
Google maps, duh!
12. You just cannot subside the tad aggression about liking the other’s pictures and posts and shares and even comments!
You need some vent to make up for not being able to compliment the other daily, dude!
13. If you ever have to start dating someone who’s far far away from you, you’ll already be a maven at the whole LDR thingy!
14. The jokes between the two of you cannot perhaps be understood by anyone other than you both!
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That’s the whole point, you dingbat!
15. When your ‘local’ friends (how you could trade them all for your bestie!) meet your long distance BFF, they can’t stop yapping about how similar the two of you are!
Image source: Tumblr
Koi shak!
Suggested read: 17 awesome things about having a best friend of the opposite sex
16. You cannot hold your fire until you’ve moved to the same city!
Image source: Giphy
You have already made extensive plans about going to the same University after your grads, marrying brothers and then ending up in the same house! That’s the only break in the clouds for you!
17. Goodbyes will never get easy for the two of you!
18. Sometimes you guys wonder why the universe and whatever Gods there are, were so cruel in introducing you to someone so flawless and then snatching them away!
19. But then again you remember how grateful you are that they exist at all! It’s okay as long as dads pay for your unlimited calls and data packs!
Image source: Tumblr
Money, clothes, shoes, bags or seeing your bestie for the first time after months? The last one, obvio!
Featured image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License