A regular dad is cute but a cool dad… that’s a different childhood, guaranteed! Let me give you some pretty telling signs that yours is a cool dad!
- He never ‘tries to be’ cool coz he is cool and he knows that very well!
- He is a master of contemporary and classic nerdy refs! From Star Wars to Harry Potter, he can quote on demand! He also can compare all the Batmans!! Now how groovy is that!
- He knows how to have fun! And while he’s doing just that, he cares the least about what people around are thinking!
- He is the feminist! He just gets it!
- According to him, no one’s good enough for you. But if you have brought a moron home, he will be nice to him! Aww!
Image source: Tumblr
Suggested read: Lessons I knew I would teach my daughter
So these are a few signs, although I could go on and on! If you are still confused about whether your dad’s hip or not, check out the following list and if you can relate to all the 18 pointers, you, my girl, have had a rad childhood just like moi! 😉
- He could have let you take driving classes from Raju bhaiya of Meenakshi Driving School, but he wouldn’t let go off the opportunity of spending more time with his daughter while empowering her!
- He was your diary when it came to keeping secrets. Though he occasionally blurted them out in public, his sense of humor was so good that you couldn’t stay mad at him for long!
Image source: Tumblr
- Parent-teachers meeting was a no sweat day for you coz you knew Dad would save your *ss!
- You both have inside jokes that no one in the family has any clue about, though all your yarns do revolve around them, even mommy! 😉
- If your dad liked something, one could bet you would like it too, coz hey! He’d got the best taste in everything, okay?!
Image source: theodysseyonline
- You tried stealing clothes and watches and scarves, from his closet more than your Mom’s!
- As a kid he helped you fix all your toys and if that didn’t work, he got you a new one. As simple as that!
Image source: magisto
- He was on Facebook before you were! And though you never admit this, but he was the one who opened your account!!!
- He is very serious about Halloween! And about the next Star Wars movie!
- He celebrates with you even when you fail at something, because according to him, participation is winning!
- He is actually got the moves like Jagger and he knows when to use them!
Image source: rubbercat
- Your dad’s the only person in the world who wears crocs and looks sexy in them!
- He was the one who saved you from mommy every time. You returned the favour at other occasions! 😉 Basically, you guys make a perfect team like Laurel and Hardy!
- Friends came over to your place to chill with your dad and you were just an excuse!
Image source: teen
- Your dad knows about all your crushes and your heartbreaks. But they don’t know him or his friend, Karma! 😉
- When you were Cinderella in your first play, he would slip on Mommy’s skirt and be Fairy Godmother during your home rehearsals!
- He has no f*cks to give about what people think of him and his ways. He is brought you up the same way!
Image source: betches
- He was your superhero. F*ck it, he still is!
Image source: razzwire
P.S.: My dad has a pool of Tintin comics and Asterix’s figurines standing proud in the living room! As a teenager, he made me watch all flicks with powerful female leads because he wanted me to believe in myself and the fact that what a man can do, a woman can do better! My daddy is the awesome-est. But I can wager yours is too! ☺
Featured image source: funnyordie