11. l i z a
There are only so many ways in which you can take pictures of books in nature, yet this incredible account manages to surprise me every time. With the perfect use of leaves, vines, flowers, clothes and other paraphernalia, she makes you want to stare at the books forever. Plus, she has excellent reading taste, so you will basically never run out of cool new things to read about.
12. Subway Book Review
It’s true that most of the Instagram accounts that I have told you about are more about showing you books, rather than telling you about them, so here is a compensation account that is both beautiful and informative. Subway Book Review stops people who read on the subway and ask them what they think of the book that they are reading. That way, you get a brief but candid review and an excellent reading list for yourself.
13. Mackenzie
When you are reading, the rest of the world almost fades out of existence, and you are only left with the story and the characters in the book and their lives and the entire universe hat it creates just for you. This is a very special emotion that very people are able to understand. Lucky for you, this incredible Instagram did just that by using contrasts to depict the emotions one feels when reading a book, and I can guarantee you that it is absolutely breathtaking.
14. Elle
Even though you know that you could never arrange all your books in a way that it looks this good, there is no harm in ogling at the shelves of people who can, right? Such is the Instagram account of blogger Elle, lover of books, drinker of tea and curator of beautiful things. Not only will you find all the colors of the rainbow on her shelf, but you will also find them arranged and placed in a way that makes your eyes well up because it’s so pretty.
15. t a l i a
This angsty account is not just angsty, but also so extremely beautiful that you will probably shed a ton of happy tears (I know I did). Books are placed in some really Goth places in nature, and the effect is surprisingly stunning. The faded out, unsaturated, wild aesthetics of this page is nice, it is different, and if you take a liking to it, it will be difficult to not get addicted.
16. Andrea: Professional Bookworm
This is one of the most popular book Instagram accounts ever, with over a hundred thousand followers (insane, right?). Not only is it very pleasing aesthetically, but it also has some great rare books to talk about, and also highlights a number of underrated books that you could totally do with reading. Plus, like almost all the other accounts that I have mentioned here, the aesthetics of this one too is stunning and is easy on the eyes.
17. Literature Quotes
Just because you love books, doesn’t mean that you have to stare at actual books all the time. You can also check out this wonderful account, which posts a quote from a poet or an author every day. Sometimes, even going through these quotes, or catching a quote from your favorite author can compel you to pick up a book and start reading, which is all the motivation that one needs.
Suggested read: Top 20 Amazing Books You MUST Read In Your 20s, The Defining Decade Of Your Life
18. Christine Manzari
Christine Manzari has the whole “taking great pictures of your books” thing completely down like a pro, which is why her Instagram is something that you should definitely check out when you are on a book binge spree on the app. The arrangements are stunning, the books she chooses to display and highlight and great, and the best part is, she has regular giveaways on her site and page, which makes it an interactive, exciting and aesthetically pleasing page to follow!
These were some of the best Instagram pages for books and book lovers that caught our eye. Most of these are not only great for book recommendations if you have run out of things to read, but you have been having trouble getting that perfect shot of your book, then you can also take inspiration from some of the people that I have mentioned here. Apart from that, I promise simply looking at these pages will bring you joy if you are having a bad day, so go nuts on the smash button, fam.
Featured image source: Instagram