Oh, how we keep biding our time lying face down on the bed with arms and legs stretched out, or stand blankly in front of the open refrigerator door till it starts its incessant beeping. But general exhaustion isn’t a good enough reason to let a whole season go by! Not sheer laziness either. Here are a few quotes on summer to help rejuvenate your summer experience:
1. “While we’re young and beautiful, living free and easy. Here without a worry, dancing in our bare feet because when the summer’s done we might not be so young and beautiful.” – Unknown
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It’s amazing how when we look back to our best memories, we can’t help but think of a sunny day.
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2. “Summer was our best season: it was sleeping on the back screened porch in cots, or trying to sleep in the treehouse; summer was everything good to eat; it was a thousand colors in a parched landscape…”― Harper Lee
Summer is probably the most colorful season there is; it’s everything life is.
3. “Sun is shining. Weather is sweet. Make you wanna move your dancing feet.” – Bob Marley.
Bob Marley lyrics should be good enough incentive for you to get up and go out and not waste the golden years of your life!
4. “Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well.” – George R R Martin
While this quote has a very morbid undertone to it, this again shows how important summers can be to children and even adults; to vacations and endless fun.
5. “It’s a smile, it’s a kiss, it’s a sip of wine … it’s summertime!” – Kenny Chesney
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All this quote makes me think of are Mojitos, Margaritas and Mint Juleps, the three M’s essential for a kickass summer!
6. “But then fall comes, kicking summer out on its treacherous ass as it always does one day sometime after the midpoint of September, it stays awhile like an old friend that you have missed. It settles in the way an old friend will settle into your favorite chair and take out his pipe and light it and then fill the afternoon with stories of places he has been and things he has done since last he saw you.” – Stephen King
Another morbid writer bringing out the essence of summer, who knew Stephen King could actually lift your mood up!
7. “Why is summer mist romantic and autumn mist just sad?” ― Dodie Smith
Because it’s summer.
8. “It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside.” – Maud Hart Lovelace
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Picture green pastures with the Sun painting a gold veil over it, lucky farm kids.
9. “The castle grounds were gleaming in the sunlight as though freshly painted; the cloudless sky smiled at itself in the smoothly sparkling lake, the satin-green lawns rippled occasionally in a gentle breeze: June had arrived.” ― J.K. Rowling
Oh Hogwarts, nothing screams the joy of summer to me more than the Hogwarts grounds.
10. “That familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.” ― F Scott Fitzgerald
New years begin with new summers, for some people; happily turning a page over dreadful memories.
11. “Again and again, the cicada’s untiring cry pierced the sultry summer air like a needle at work on thick cotton cloth.” ― Yukio Mishima
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Oh what I would give to hear the chirping of Cicadas in the forests of Osaka, sipping on something cold and staring at lowly green hills in the distance with the Sun shining over me.
12.“Summer was supposed to be about freedom and youth and no school and possibilities and adventure and exploration. Summer was a book of hope. That’s why I loved and hated summers. Because they made me want to believe.” ― Benjamin Alire Sáenz
This is something most of us can relate to, the good and the bad; like the flip of a coin.
13. “Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” ― Henry James
Siestas, siestas are important.
14. “Rejoice as summer should…chase away sorrows by living.” ― Melissa Marr
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Keep yourself busy, overload your to-do list with things you’ve been planning on doing but never got a chance; work and enjoy your sorrows away!
15. “But in summer, welcoming summer, the rocks are soft-fledged with moss. The forest floor is bouncy with fresh shoots and enthusiastic blooms; the twisted angles of the branches are laced by bud and leaf.” ― Tara O’Brady
Take a trip somewhere slightly cooler, take a friend with you. Make the most of your vacations!
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16. “Green was the silence, wet was the light, the month of June trembled like a butterfly.” ― Pablo Neruda
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Summer mornings are probably one of the most peaceful things ever, so beautiful and fragile at the same time.
17. “Carpe Diem” – Horace
Last but not the least, seize the day! Build yourself, learn new things, and of course, make the season stand out in your calendar!
Let’s beat the heat this summer until the lovely drops of joy begin to pour! And don’t forget to tell us about your favorite quotes on summer in the comments.
Featured image source: theodysseyonline